Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal
Welcome to Baring It All with Rose and Chrystal. The podcast is where they deep-dive unfiltered into all things motherhood, mental health, relationships and having conversations about things happening in their lives as they navigate it.
Think of it like your two best friends learning, having fun, asking questions about things they wish they knew sooner, laughing and supporting each other through life's ups and downs.
They want to get to know you more about each other and our bodies in general; sometimes it gets emotional, other times spicy, and most of the time their minds are in the gutter.
Join the ride as they unpack taboo topics, chat about everyday life, learn and talk with incredible guests and industry professionals who have been through it, baring it all by sharing their stories.
Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal
Rose is turning 40! Cake, tears and dreams for the future.
Let's Chat! send us a message, question or a confession to unpack!
Rose is turning 40! Can you believe it, fellow ‘85 babies? It’s our year to shine!
In this episode of Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal, we dive into what it really means to celebrate milestones. Talk about Rose's thoughts on turning 40, her excitement and the fact she never usually celebrates her birthday. At first, Rose wasn’t even sure she wanted a big party—until a moment from the show Queer Eye hit her right in the feels. Suddenly, it all made sense. Enter Chrystal (and her husband, Craig), who are on a mission to throw the ultimate celebration and remind Rose just how special she is.
We chat about stepping into a new era of life, embracing change, and all the emotions that come with it—because getting older isn’t just about the number, it’s about feeling good in your skin, chasing dreams, and surrounding yourself with people who lift you up.
We also touch on health and fitness, taking care of ourselves as we age, dreams and Rose’s big plan: 40 things to do while you’re 40 (because why not make the year an epic adventure?).
So whether you’ve got a milestone birthday coming up or just want to reflect on your wild ride so far, we hope this convo reminds you to celebrate yourself and everything you have achieved and have overcome thus far and get excited for what’s next. Because honestly, life just keeps getting better with age.
Happy 40th Rose!
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Rose Oates
Chrystal Russell
And don’t forget to take care of yourself and each other -
With Love Rose & Chrystal x
Welcome to Bearing it All with Rose and Crystal.
Chrystal:Where the conversations get real emotions run raw and nothing is filtered.
Rose Oates:Buckle up because we're Bearing it All deep, diving into everything from motherhood to mental health and everything in between. We want to get to know you, each other and our bodies and things are going to get spicy. Are you ready for it? Let's do it. Each other and our bodies and things are going to get spicy.
Chrystal:Raspassy, are you ready for it?
Rose Oates:Let's do it, so you can have your cake girl, because I know where you like to put the cake. Why did I know you were going to go there? World?
Chrystal:likes icing in places. You don't want to know. Actually, you probably do want to know because it's spicy.
Rose Oates:But yeah, we're going to leave that for another time, but it has been like my birthday every day this month. I have celebrated the entire month, but officially I turn 40 on the 26th of February, so in two days.
Chrystal:And shit me dead. I have two days to create the most epic reel of Rosie bloopers you've ever seen and I need to like probably not sleep until 2 am tonight making it.
Rose Oates:It's going down, she has got way too much ammunition up her sleeve. She has been collecting it Any time I am doing anything. She's like hello, here's my phone, I just get my phone out.
Chrystal:I've got her doing all sorts of random things.
Rose Oates:Oh, my God, drunk and sober. Yeah, most of them honestly are sober. Yeah, oh my God, drunk and sober. Yeah, most of them honestly are sober. Yeah, that's what's worse.
Chrystal:Oh God, and you act just as stupid sober, if not worse.
Rose Oates:Yeah, it's better.
Chrystal:It's good for me I actually don't need alcohol to have a good time, but it is your 40th birthday and we have been well, you're not ready for it. I'm ready for it, I'm fucking ready for and the most epicest birthday party Epicest, epic, epic. I don't know the most epic birthday party. There is an epic birthday party happening this Saturday night, I know.
Rose Oates:I'm actually really, really excited, but I was so not excited about having a birthday party at all.
Chrystal:I think I gave you an ultimatum yeah, between you and Craig. I was having a birthday and we just started plotting it. Like Craig rang me and was like hey, look like rose has not made a decision. What's happening? I need you to lay down the hard law on her. And I was at work and I was like look, babe, I'm gonna give you three options.
Chrystal:Option one you don't do anything at all that's what I wanted to do, which is party pooper central, or we have a massive party, which is what I wanted to do, or we go on a holiday, yeah, so I gave her three choices and I said, by the end of today, you need to let me know what we're doing. So she didn't have a choice, because I had been already asking her for months, months. You did months and months, right? So anyways, she gave me okay, we're gonna do the party. We'll do a party, we're gonna do the party. I was like holy fucking shit, I've got one month to organize this birthday and she was excited.
Rose Oates:Like I did not want, I was quite happy to do nothing. I generally never celebrate my birthday.
Rose Oates:That irritated the shit out of me but you know, I know I was irritating her, but I never really have anything, and not even really drinks. I don't even really do drinks on my birthday. I celebrate through the month Like I do things for myself. I go get myself something, like I celebrate it, because I feel like my birthday is the start of my year. I feel like everybody's year starts on their birthday. That's officially your turn. You know your lap around the sun is. For me it's February 26, to February 26 is my official year, so my official year is about to start.
Rose Oates:It's like me I'm going into like New Year's prep, but I reflect a lot on my birthday and I go quite inwards and I was like why am I so opposed to having a birthday party? Like, why am I so opposed to it? And I honestly, this is like so sad, but I really had to think about why. I just didn't want anything and it was overwhelming. And then there was this. I didn't tell you this.
Rose Oates:So the other night I was watching Queer Eye. I love Queer Eye and it always makes me cry anyway, but it was about this lady and she was turned like she was in a relationship where he didn't let her celebrate herself. She was very like dominated against and she was coming free. And then she really, really wanted a 50th birthday party, but he was like nah, oh no. And the words on the screen ended up coming up. So they did a birthday party for her all these years later, where she gets to celebrate it, and the words across the screen said I'm worth celebrating. And I cried like a baby and I'm not just talking like a few tears, it was like an epiphany. I was like I'm worth celebrating. I was like fuck, I didn't think I was worth celebrating.
Chrystal:Don't even say that to me, because I would celebrate you every day.
Rose Oates:I it's, and I cried and I cried and I'm talking like not just tears, like I was sobbing, you were full so in. So I went to my bedroom because my kids are like, oh my god, she's got quite emotional over queer eye today.
Rose Oates:I went to my room and I went to voice message you and Renee so yous are in this group chat the group chat is called, uh, bitch faces turning 40 and I went to thank you guys. But the sob. So I was like, oh, I just wanted to send this message and you're gonna think it's bad, I'm okay but like why didn't you send it? I couldn't, I just couldn't. I was like what in the fuck is wrong with you? So I went and I recorded it and I was like, oh my God, just delete that, you idiot.
Rose Oates:But I was trying to thank you and Renee and obviously Craig in the back of my mind for like, actually like showing me how worthy I am of celebration and actually doing this Like my love language is acts of service and the fact that you guys are doing these things for me. It just was a lot and it was hard to accept. And the reason I I was like, okay, I'm booking a therapy session for a start. Obviously, I do believe everybody's worthy. You know how strongly I feel about that. Yeah, you do Like everybody's worth, like you are worthy.
Chrystal:But it's funny that you also are at a point where you're like am I worthy which 100%?
Rose Oates:fuck.
Chrystal:Yes you are. Do you know what, though? I've gone extra on this because I'm like shit, I don't know when she's going to let me, so I've done everything you can think possible.
Rose Oates:Oh God yeah.
Chrystal:She don't know some of the stuff that's going to happen. I don't know if she's going to be happy with it, but too bad.
Rose Oates:No, I'm really really excited now, but it was a real. It wasn't to take the mood down, but it was just to be owning the fact that sometimes you don't realise things about yourself. Oh man, you're a moody bitch. I didn't like it because I don't like the attention. Everyone's like oh, you love the attention and I was like you clearly don't know me. I love entertaining people. I love making people feel good about themselves. If I have to make a fool of myself so that you laugh and you feel good about yourself, I'm there. I will be there.
Chrystal:It's more the fact of like an occasion where they're coming to celebrate you Me.
Rose Oates:The attention is on me just because it's me, yes. So that's where I found that one heart. And I was brought up to be so humble Don't brag about yourself, don't do this Like no, you're not better than anybody else and so that was so ingrained in me. And we didn't really celebrate birthdays. I never had a real. I had maybe one or two birthday parties growing up. I think it was my ninth birthday, my mom and dad, we had an 18th and I had a 21st. That's the parties that I had ever, so birthdays weren't a thing. You didn't even really get a present on your birthday, not out of just meanness, just because I will get you something later that you need Shit man Birthdays for me are like huge.
Rose Oates:Yeah, they've never been big for me, so I've always felt like, oh, it's all good. So, yeah, having that epiphany of like, oh my God, you actually thought you weren't worth celebrating, you know and then the anxiety oh my God, are people going to come to my birthday?
Chrystal:Girl, there's like 80 to 100 people coming, so I hope you're ready for that, jesus. But I'm so excited for this, so excited Like this whole party is like themed around Rose the theme is like pretty much Rose all day. So like it's written everywhere, I was going to put your mugshot on the cupcakes but I couldn't because she was like I was going to get a life-size cutout. There was all these things I was going to do, but you know I had to like reel it in a little bit.
Rose Oates:She had to reel in the you side, but the event planner in you definitely came out.
Chrystal:Oh girl, I was like this is rekindling my love for events. Don't get me wrong, guys I will never go back into events, ever, ever. But if you're my bestie and I'm planning your party, I'm going to do it spectacular.
Rose Oates:Oh, I'm excited, I can't wait. But there's a whole heap of emotions, I reckon in your 40th year, don't you even feel that Like I feel it, like I'm not emotional in the sense of like, like I'm feeling sad for myself. Okay, I had my sad moment, all right.
Chrystal:I had my moment.
Rose Oates:But I'm also so fucking excited. Everyone's like, oh my God, 40. And I'm like I can't wait. I have been in my child like I've been raising kids. I'm a mum of four. All I've been doing is kids and I still will be, obviously. But I feel like that part of my life is over. I'm no longer having any more children. You're done, skye.
Chrystal:You're closed shop. I'm going.
Rose Oates:The shop is closed. I mean, you do have a moment of sadness where you know that's done. Like all the kids went to school this year, even though, like chicks in kinder freedom, it's a different, yeah, so, and next year they're going to be in school, all of them, all time. It's a different era, like I'm walking into my 40s and going there's a sense of self coming back you know what I mean like I'm getting my health sorted. So, like all of last year, I was like, okay, let's get this shit sorted, let's feel well again. I am loving exercise and my sport and my running and I haven't loved it for years. Yeah, and I feel like that's a huge part of who I am. I love lifting weights and I love running and I want to like do a marathon, like at the end of next year or end of the year or end of early next year, maybe even this year, who knows? Maybe earlier.
Chrystal:I thought of running a marathon. I'd rather bury myself.
Rose Oates:Yeah, but that excites me, Like the fact that I'm even excited about that stuff.
Chrystal:Yeah it's good, it is really good.
Rose Oates:And everyone's got this thing that you know. Oh, it's so scary to turn 40. It's not.
Chrystal:I'm actually excited to tell people that I'm turning 40 because I don't feel I look 40. I don't know if it's just like me being a cockhead, but when I say to people that I'm turning 40, they're like what do you mean? I'm like say it again. I know she loves every second of it. What do you mean? They're like you look early, like late 20s, early 30s. I'm like, oh, are you sure? Are you sure, please, please.
Rose Oates:Like get so excited over it, I feel 40.
Chrystal:Yeah, like my hips tell a different story when I'm trying to get off the floor and my knees. Like when I'm being intimate and I'm like, wow, I feel like you just dislocated a part of my body. Pretty sure I did. I'm pretty sure I did my hips that time. I think he dislocated your hips that time. Pretty sure my kneecaps as well, like I can't kneel for too long, sorry guys.
Rose Oates:That's exactly right. I think there's a different way of thinking about 40. Like, okay, here's the thing, the Golden Girls. I think the Golden Girls turned 40, the actual show turns 40 in 1985. Wow, so I think they brought it out in 95. I could be wrong, but it's close to that era. The Golden Girls looked so old, so old.
Chrystal:They looked like old, wrinkly grannies.
Rose Oates:Yes, they all looked like little grannies. They're technically grannies. Yes, they all look like little grannies, but I think that but wait, were they 40? They would have been our age. Yeah, no way in hell. Yes, yeah, I think Blanche was like 41.
Chrystal:She was like 42. Oh my God, there is no way I'm sporting a knitted jumper and a little granny haircut anytime soon.
Rose Oates:But okay, I saw this app and it was so funny. Not an app someone had made like a transformation of like. They had the Golden Girls and they put like young hairstyles on them. Did they look young? Oh my God, it changed everything. I was like whoa, the power of a hairstyle. It was the hair they had and everything. Also. I think it's not about how we look younger, it's that we're not dressing for our age. Like people were telling those women you have to wear sleeves now because you're old. You can't show your arms at this age. You have to have a short haircut. You have to have a short haircut or you have to wear this and that, because it was so regimented. You get to this age, you've got to look away, you've got to act a certain way.
Chrystal:I did actually laugh at your child a few weeks ago. I said Indy, what is that blush? It's so beautiful. And she beautiful and she laughed and she said it's lipstick. And I went that is what my granny used to do.
Rose Oates:Please don't do that again yeah, she had a lipstick on and then she just dabbed a little lipstick. Yes, my nana used to do that, like with the lipstick. She was onto something, mate, that was multi-use. Back then I got it. Now you just get a three-in-one stick she already knew it was three-in-one.
Chrystal:That is true. There is three-in-one sticks nowadays. Yeah, not that, maybelline. Wear it here, wear it there, wear it on your nipples if you want to. Oh Jesus.
Rose Oates:Christ. Well, apparently the best nude lipstick is the same colour as your nipple, as your nipple Right, sorry, hold on, let me have a look. I'll look down there, hold on. You know I'm 40, so because it's right down at my knees, actually, I'll just lift my top, it's fine. So yeah, apparently the color of your nipple gives you the best nude on your lip. Oh my God.
Chrystal:Shall we do this as a potty? Yes, let's buy like our nipple lip shades and see if it is true. I believe it's true because I was like, of course it's like this you can see it from the moon. Hello Talking about like turning 40, right, like, do you have any like goals for this year because you're 40? Because, remember, we talked about 40 before 40. Well, that ship sailed for you.
Rose Oates:I never did 40 before 40. But a friend of ours is Morgie.
Chrystal:She is she's doing a 40 before 40.
Rose Oates:But she's obviously got plenty of time, because I think she. But I was like how about I do 40 while I'm 40?
Chrystal:That is amazing 40 in my 40s.
Rose Oates:Yes, so 40 things I've never done or I've always wanted to do while I'm 40. Give me a few things. So I think I do like I'm going to go like that generic. I do want to jump out of a plane Okay, because that would scare the shit out of me. Same, I would probably poop myself. I would be like crying, like Craig would jump out in a heartbeat. He would love that adrenaline. But what gets me is I would be so scared. So to overcome that fear would be massive.
Rose Oates:I think doing like even silly things, like continuing to learn to dance, doing a marathon, doing things with my kids that like you know even the small things, because I think Morgan had those on there. She was like watch things with my kids that, like you know even the small things, because I think Morgan had those on there. She was like watch Titanic with my kids and I was like what? But I was like, oh wow, I didn't think of those. So watching like some, like all the iconic movies I think I've already done that the kids are starting to, my girls are starting to knock off like our iconic movies in Things like that, just really simple things. But I also think I think finding what I want to do and like pushing myself, I think the 40, while I'm 40s, while I'm in my 40s is going to be things that are pushing my boundaries, that aren't going to be comfortable for me.
Rose Oates:It's not even just going to be like, oh, I'm going to jump out of a plane, like I just said, or I really want to go to Vegas. It's not just going to be those things I want to do, things that are really going to push me out of that comfort zone and push me out of that I'm okay with, like I'm on my last run here. Guys. So zero to 40, no, and I mean this in a cool way Zero to 40, we were growing. So zero to 20, you literally were a kid. You're probably still living at home. You got out of the womb, jesus Christ. Then 20 to 30, oh my God, you do so much in your 20s. So much fun, so much study. You're working. You might've started having kids like I did.
Rose Oates:30s continue to have kids, got married, mum era, like working on, like what do I want to do? Career 40 and onwards you ain't dead. These days we're living to 80 and I'm hoping I got 40 good years in me. But I've got to be realistic. Like maybe 70 to 80 I could be like in a Zimmer frame, I could be Like my knees could be out. So let's say I've got 30, really like strong, solid years I'm going to go out with a trail of dust, mate, I am gonna be skidding into my grave like that, yeah, and just fall in and I'm gonna be known like at your eulogy people are gonna be remembering you for like the wild shit you did.
Rose Oates:Yeah, the she went to bed at 6 45 probably what I might go to bed at 6 45, but as long as during my waking hours I am living my best life, like I want to experience it all, yeah, and I want travel and I want food and I want to feed, but I also want to be healthy and I think that's also a thing that I'm like. That's where you're wiping off on me a little bit.
Chrystal:Yes, yeah, I did not think about the health aspect, yes, of getting older. Yeah, so now you're like I'm going to make you do this and I'm going to make you that you haven't yet, but I'm going to let you. Thank you, yeah, but that's the thing. I might actually go for a little swim in the ocean.
Rose Oates:Yes, it could be, a scene out of Jaws.
Chrystal:I don't know.
Rose Oates:I don't know, I'll take one for the team. Okay, I'll poke it in the eye or something. The shark, the shark or me, not you, get in the water, get in the water, poke you in the eye. I'll sacrifice her to the shark. But I think, as well the health aspect has.
Rose Oates:I've been very motivated by turning 40. I was Feeling the way, feeling fierce, feeling good, fiercely, 40. Fiercely, 40. Yeah, bitches, fiery and fiercely.
Rose Oates:Yeah, I don't want to lose a sense of myself, I want to gain it. And I don't even know who she is yet. Like, I know she's there but I don't want to be who I was at 30. I don't want to be oh, I want to go back to who I was. I don't want to go back to who I was. I want to be who I want to be now and move forward with that.
Rose Oates:And I think I'm very excited. I'm very excited but like, yes, the health aspect. We do have to be healthy. I've always loved health, fitness, all of that sort of thing, and my body. This got really nothing to do with it, in a sense, but like I've fluctuated weight here, there, everywhere, I've been in the thick of like children and not being well and you know dealing with, like my gut issues, endo bloody, fucking ulcerative colitis. It is a condition that I'm going to live with, but it doesn't mean that I'm not going to try still look after the body and the vessel that I've got, because obviously, yeah, our knees are hurting. And I've got because obviously, yeah, our knees are hurting and I think if we do have 30 good years we want 40 good years but if we are strong, looking after our bones, our health and our being, you know getting into the weight, so no osteoporosis for us, baby.
Chrystal:Well, as celiacs, we're more prone to having osteoporosis. I did not know that. My auntie was like you need to just start taking, like a calcium tablet or something I'm like what.
Rose Oates:So we've got to take all our vitamins, but also weight training is really, really good for keeping ourselves strong and healthy and keeping those bones dense. I can't believe we've just gone into that keeping our bones dense. I know, but that's also like a fun thing, so I can't believe it we'll have to keep you guys posted on, like her reaction from the weekend.
Chrystal:But don't worry, I've got the photographers, I've got the content creators, I've got all the people coming to make sure that we capture every part of this party.
Rose Oates:I'm really excited, like Craig and Crystal have gone all out and my girlfriend's baking like crazy this week I've never spoken to Craig more in the last five years than I have in the past month.
Chrystal:Me and him are just like voice noting and like doing little chats.
Rose Oates:It's so, unlike him, I just didn't think he would want to do this. You know what?
Chrystal:Look as much as you did not want to do anything, he wants to celebrate you, like your husband wanted to celebrate you. He wanted to make sure that this party was like unforgettable. But he was concerned. Why? Because he didn't want to let you down. Oh, he's so fearful of letting you down, like he when craig speaks to me, I swear to god, this man, he, he has your heart inside his heart. I don't know. Anyways, he thinks about like all the things he and he was like if I don't't do it right, she's going to chew my face off. Oh my God, crazy. Maybe not to that extent, maybe I made that up, but just saying like he wanted to make sure that like it was. And that's where he was like I need your help, girl, because I need it to be epic. And I was like don't worry, I've got your back.
Rose Oates:Yes, you do. You did been amazing. He's really he's gone. No, you're having a party. He's like. You know. I said, oh look, I want to get the front lawn. I want fake lawn at the front instead. And he's like no one's going to care about your fake lawn in 30 years, he's like. But everyone's going to remember the memories that you made together at this party and I was like I didn't even think of that.
Chrystal:I think I did scare him, though, cause all my plans. He was like is this gonna cost me 20 grand?
Rose Oates:yeah, I yeah, because she, when she gets on a tangent.
Chrystal:She just, I was like I'm booking this and this and this, and I'm also booking this and that. And he was like, um, uh, excuse me, um, what's the budget?
Rose Oates:I'm like, oh, don't worry, I got this she's like there is no budget in my mind.
Chrystal:I was like I'm doing all the things, so bye.
Rose Oates:I know yeah it's, I don't even know what she's done. So we're definitely going to fill you in on the party and share a little bit on our page and everything like that. But yeah, I'm excited and I think that if you're not excited about your next era whether that be you going into your thirties or your forties or your fifties or whatever that is, it doesn't really matter. Yeah, just live your best life.
Chrystal:And it doesn't really matter. Yeah, just live your best life and celebrate yourself. Yeah, celebrate yourself.
Rose Oates:If you want to have a party, do something for your birthday to acknowledge the year, to acknowledge yourself that you've made it this far, because some years you have your birthday and you're like fuck, like it hasn't been a good year and that's actually okay. There's been plenty of years, I would say that, going into my 30s oh my God, they were my favorite. My first five, six years in my 30s so good, after I had Esme. I have to be honest, those last three years I would say oh my God, they were the hardest of my life in some ways, like so fucking hard, like I felt like I had to crawl out of a hole more than once, like I got to the top and I was like I made it and then like someone booted me in the head and I ended up back down again. It was really tough.
Rose Oates:But then as a whole, we always overestimate what we can achieve in one year. This is a Tony Robbins quote. Guys, here's the quote of the day. We always overestimate what we can achieve in one year and underestimate what we can achieve in 10. So, like you've got to look at your decade, like all the things that you did, all the things you overcame, that's a lot, that is a lot, yeah. So in the last 10 years. I'm like wow, I'm really proud, I'm really amazed, I can't believe I'm here on the other side and I'm really excited.
Chrystal:And I'm ready for this weekend. I know, look at her face. The pyjamas arrived today. The makeup artist is ready. The dress is bought. I went this morning and messaged every single trade and service to be like this is all planned. Check in that you're ready to go.
Rose Oates:I know it's all ready, it's all ready to go, and then just, yeah, we're going to celebrate something with the kids on the Wednesday. Have a little cake go out.
Chrystal:Craig actually flies in on my birthday, so, like of all days, I'm like yeah, and then I got a little something planned for you on Thursday at work.
Rose Oates:She doesn't stop, does she?
Chrystal:Yeah, you're crazy, I know, I just pre-warned you in case you get mad at me, but there's something happening on Thursday. Oh God, oh God, and the my anxiety lifts. I got a stripper coming to work.
Rose Oates:I'm joking.
Chrystal:I'm joking, craig. I actually don't. There's no stripper, only me.
Rose Oates:I'm okay with that. Oh my God. Well, that was us. That's my little birthday wrap-up. That's it, guys. We're going in strong this year, big 4-0. 4-0. We're owning every frigging minute. It doesn't matter. Age is honestly just a number, and I am going to be doing 40 while we're 40 and dragging Crystal along for the ride until she turns 40 in November, and then paybacks a bitch because, honestly, I'll be collecting footage of every moment of her so I can make it into a three minute reel. And then, yeah, god knows what we'll do for your birthday. She's already planned hers and booked it, and everything.
Chrystal:Spoke to the venue this morning just to double confirm Hers is in November.
Rose Oates:It's in November, completely done.
Chrystal:It's in November, but I'm just a planner. Yeah, you love that.
Rose Oates:I love it. I can't wait for yours, actually, and it's a cowboy theme.
Chrystal:So like me and Rose have decided.
Rose Oates:Yeah, like cowboy.
Chrystal:It's like last hoedown, something like that. You know, but H-O-E Like a ho. But me and my husband are a month apart and our friend circle and family obviously all can join. We're just going to do one big, massive fucking hoedown. Yes, corn on the cob.
Rose Oates:I don't know, I need to suss this out. Yeah, some like ranchy style food. Yeah, I hope so. I hope the venue can do that.
Chrystal:I'm sure I'm going to chat. I'll be like, make it real ranchy.
Rose Oates:Yes, yeah, make it real country.
Chrystal:Make it real country. I can't wait.
Rose Oates:Oh, the denim I can't wait to get an outfit. It's a denim theme. It's denim and diamonds.
Chrystal:That's the theme. Yes, I'm trying to get my titties done before I'm 40. So, instead, like I'm hoping they're back up where they need to be. You know, Drop Back up there would be nice, but we'll see if I can afford it. I need to try and get some coin.
Rose Oates:Yeah, oh, there you go. Look at her. She's like Trying to suss out what body part.
Chrystal:I need to sell, you know. Yeah, well, just the kidney will probably get the lift, I know. But you know, I don't know if they're working that well.
Rose Oates:To be honest with you, though, I want this is what we're going to look after our health. But on the titty front, actually, yes, I want someone that can lift and do a good job Like lift them, cut the nipple down to a regular size. Like cabernet instead of a salami yeah that would be nice. Yeah, just do like I don't want like a big knocker, they're scary. No, I just need them.
Rose Oates:That's on my 40 before 40 list On the 40, yeah, let's just see if it happens. Mine's already, mine's maybe 40 while I'm 40.
Chrystal:I might need to put my credit card limit up somehow.
Rose Oates:Can you?
Chrystal:put a boob job on there, I would say so. I don't actually know. On the, definitely not. You're like um, excuse me, was that necessary? I need to be on social media. My titties need to be in line. Yes, um, when I'm talking and it's face, it's like one of those. Yeah, it's dropping where it's like they're at my kneecaps um, and yes it's.
Rose Oates:It's distracting the customers exactly.
Chrystal:Yeah, sorry well, all right. Well, let's start getting this list together I would love to see it, but if you want to jump out of a plane next week, I I'm ready for it.
Rose Oates:Okay, let's do it so during the year. I think we'll share our 40 while we're 40 list and maybe take you guys along for the ride. Maybe we'll have to get Pauly to film some of the 40 during the 40th.
Chrystal:Oh God, Swimming in the ocean, the fear in my face. Have you?
Rose Oates:not swum in the ocean, not in a very long time.
Chrystal:Okay, so this year we went to the beach a couple of weeks ago and I made sure I wore jeans. There was no way, if the kids were like, come on, mum, I'd be like no, I'm wearing jeans, oh my god.
Rose Oates:Okay, that's one we're ticking off. That's an easy one, that's gone. Get in the ocean this year. Okay, wash away everything. I's soothing.
Chrystal:It's cleansing, it doesn't wash away my fear. Wash away the fear, which will probably attract the sharks, but anyways, the shark doesn't come to the shore in the. Don't lie. I've seen it on seven news. It's been at the shore.
Rose Oates:Not what it was sitting in the froth, pretty much. No, it wasn't. I'm just saying I've seen it. If you see the helicopter and the siren get out of the water, I'll probably be like frozen I won't be able to move.
Chrystal:Oh God, You'll have to throw me over your shoulder because I used to do Surf Life Club, surf Life Saving.
Rose Oates:So will we chuck you over? Oh, my God, I'll just hit the desk. Anyway, until then, take care of your. Oh, we've stuffed it again. I can't remember.