Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal

Jessica Lynne the Medium on Spirits, Energy, and the power of limes

Rose and Chrystal Season 1 Episode 17

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World-renowned Psychic Medium Jessica Lynne joins us on Baring it All. She's not your average medium, and we love her no-BS approach to spirituality. She shares some of her stories, how she connects, and even her now-viral lime hack!
Can a simple lime transform your home's energy and improve your sleep? Renowned medium Jessica Lynne joins us to reveal her viral lime hack, an innovative and surprisingly effective method for cleansing negative energies from your living space. Listen as Jessica shares a personal story about how she stumbled upon the power of limes after a chilling encounter with a hostile entity. She offers practical advice on utilizing this natural method to create a more positive and serene home environment. She also reveals her new product launch with us for the first time to help us easily spiritually cleanse our homes! @thelimeglo

Have you ever wondered how mediums connect with the spirit world, even through virtual sessions? Jess breaks it down for us, discussing how spirits communicate to her via images, physical sensations, and personal memories. She delves into the nuances of remote readings, proving that energy transcends physical boundaries. Plus, Jessica opens up about her wife, Jade, whose humour and acceptance have become essential to her mediumship practice, and how she made a believer out of her with her abilities; together, they add a unique dynamic to their social interactions.

Jessica illuminates the emotional aspect of mediumship, focusing on how spirits often present themselves in a healed and positive state, providing comfort to those left behind. She emphasizes the ethical responsibilities of mediums in delivering messages that empower rather than instil fear.
Join us for an episode brimming with spiritual insights and practical tips for enhancing your life.

Find Jess here on Instagram
Need some lime cleansing? Find it here: The Lime Glo
Website -

Connect with Rose and Chrystal on Instagram for more stories and fun mini-weekly catch-ups.
DM the girls, get involved with the conversations, and feel free to ask questions!
Rose Oates
Chrystal Russell

And don’t forget to take care of yourself and each other -

With Love Rose & Chrystal x

Rose Oates:

Welcome to Bearing it All with Rose and Crystal.

Chrystal Russell:

Where the conversations get real emotions run raw and nothing is filtered.

Rose Oates:

Buckle up, because we're Bearing it All deep, diving into everything from motherhood to mental health and everything in between. We want to get to know you, each other and our bodies, and things are going to get spicy.

Chrystal Russell:

Are you ready for it?

Rose Oates:

Let's do it. Today we're chatting with Jessica Lynn, a no-nonsense medium renowned for her down-to-earth approach and remarkable ability to connect the living and the spirit world. Using a mix of deep insight and practical wisdom, she helps people reconnect with loved ones who have passed away. Jessica also has a unique practice involving limes to boost energy and improve sleep. She's worked with celebrities, athletes, business leaders, and her online sessions reach clients from around the globe, featured on major media like the Morning Show, the Australian and Marie Claire, just to name a few. Jessica's straightforward, no BS style and spiritual insights have made a big impact worldwide and we're thrilled to have her on today. Welcome back to Bearing it All with Rose and Crystal. Today, I have a guest here that I've wanted to have on for ages Jessica Lynn the medium. Welcome to the pod.

Jessica Lynne:

Thank you, I'm so excited to talk to you guys Long time coming. I know we just needed excited to talk to you guys Long time coming.

Chrystal Russell:

I know, we just needed to get our butts into gear and also we were freaking the F out about doing a Zoom. Yeah.

Rose Oates:

I know I was like technology. It's not our jam.

Jessica Lynne:

Not really, you nailed it Eventually.

Rose Oates:

Well, hopefully this actually works, because otherwise Otherwise, we've just had a personal one-on-one chat with Jessica Lee. I'm fine either way. Gal, honestly, you've done a reading for me in the past, which is how I got to know you followed. You absolutely loved that and I've loved you ever since. Like you are a no bullshit approach to life, to the spirit world. I feel like it's just so different to what we're used to. It's not like the hippie, I mean, like I love a crystal too, but like the crystals and the you know saging and stuff, and that we have to be so serious about it. You have been on numerous amounts of media, you're internationally renowned and you have a viral lime hack.

Chrystal Russell:

I was like I'm interested in this.

Rose Oates:

I know, okay. So who would have thought? Who would have thought limes? She's gone viral over the limes. So, from what I hear and what I've listened to you speak about, is that limes, like, can create better energy in the bedroom specifically.

Chrystal Russell:

I thought limes were like sour and like no one wants it.

Rose Oates:

Who knows, I don't know what kind of energy, not that energy in the bedroom, I don't know. But, jess, can you fill us in why limes in the bedroom work for better energy and better sleep?

Jessica Lynne:

Yes, so limes are an amazing cleansing agent. So they rid negative energies like fear-based energies, bad spirits, anyone that doesn't belong in your home. So it's not just in the bedroom, it's in your home as well. So if there's funky energy in there or everyone's fighting or it's just like weird vibes, if you have weird people come into your house and you're like ugh, like that was just not good, this is a way to like clear it all out. So limes are great for that.

Chrystal Russell:

I'm going to the farmer's market tomorrow, okay.

Rose Oates:

Plant a tree.

Chrystal Russell:

I know, do we need to?

Rose Oates:

plant a limes. So is there a specific way that we have to do this, like, is there somewhere in the home specifically that you've got to put them, or what do we do?

Chrystal Russell:

Do you cut them up? Do you just put them in a bowl? Do you put them on your bed? What's the go?

Jessica Lynne:

So it all started in the bedroom, as you've said. So the reason why this all came to be was because I had a really negative entity that was attached to me. So one morning I was just like laying in bed really early, Jade, my wife had just gone to work and then I felt like I was kind of half asleep and I felt like someone come in the room and I was like, oh, maybe she's come back, like she doesn't feel well or something. I was like, oh well, I'll just go back to sleep.

Jessica Lynne:

And then I felt like her sit on the bed and I was like right.

Jessica Lynne:

And then I felt like this breath on my neck and like this scratch down my back and I was like, hang on. I'm like I feel really weird. Now. I don't think this is her. I'm like this is like freaking scary. Who the hell is in my room, like freaked out, and I thought I've got to get the hell out of here. I've either got to like pretend I'm asleep or run and I'm like you know what? I'm just going to the. No, I got up and I was like I'm gonna sage and palo santo and do an exorcism and do whatever. I need to do it again, whatever the hell.

Jessica Lynne:

This was out of my bedroom, out of my life, um, and so I did all the things and then I was like nah, there's something still going on. So I was like I'm, there's something still going on. So I was like I'm just going to call my kinesiologist and be like you need to see me, you need to like figure out what the hell's attached to me. And she tried a whole heap of different things and then, right at the end, she put lime essential oil on my feet and I instantly felt better and I was like this is weird. She's like look, just take some home on like a little cotton swab tonight, put it by your bed and just see how you go. And I was like, look, I'm going to do you one better. I'm going to get a lime and I'm going to cut it in half and I'm going to put the two halves in a dish beside my bed and just hope that it soaks up all the vibes and that thing never comes back.

Jessica Lynne:

And I slept really well. And then I started sharing it. I was like, guys, you should try putting lime in your room. Like it just gave me really sound sleep. It rid this entity. So all these people started trying it and then all these mums started trying it for their kids going. Do you think it will help our kids sleep? And I'm like, well, from what I've read when I've done the research now, so many cultures use lime as like a cleansing tool and so people are like look, let's just put it in our kids' rooms, Kids are now sleeping for like 12 hours straight.

Jessica Lynne:

Shit, you need some limes. They're saying there's no more monsters Send me limes no more hauntings.

Chrystal Russell:

Listen, I've heard of onions in the bedroom like to get rid of, like chest infections and stuff, but now the limes, yeah.

Rose Oates:

I need some limes. Do you think as well with the kids' side of things? Is it because kids are more spiritually open when they're younger? Because my kids don't sleep by the way. Yes, definitely.

Jessica Lynne:

Definitely they are. They're more intuitive, they're switched on, they're not clouded like we are as adults, like with all of the busyness, and we don't pick up on things that they do, because they've got that like raw kind of energy. So, yeah, they tend to attach to kids and kids feel things and sense things more. So you've got to be cleansing the hell out of your house and I would be adding lime to the shopping list, but also I'm about to drop a whole lot of lime.

Rose Oates:

That's what we want to know. You, cheeky devil, I've seen this account pop up and I was like this has got to be you, so can we get a sneaky like little you know, first drop here First of all what is the Instagram handle?

Chrystal Russell:

It's called the.

Jessica Lynne:

Lime Glow. So it's all things lime inspired by the lime hack, and I'm bringing out some products that will help you to cleanse your space. So, for those people who don't want to put physical limes in their house they're worried about fruit flies and all that jazz I have the answer to your prayers. So it's coming in like just a little while and all right, I'll tell you guys.

Chrystal Russell:

You are the first people to know. By the way, we just squeezed it out of you. Did you hear that? All right, I'll tell you guys. You are the first people to know by the way, publicly, we just squeezed it out of you. Did you hear that it did? Oh my God, you fucking.

Rose Oates:

I like that. I like that, love a pun.

Jessica Lynne:

So I am dropping a lime-scented candle with physical lime in it Wow, I'm in love with that.

Rose Oates:

I love something that looks good and does the job.

Jessica Lynne:

Yes, is that the wrong thing to say?

Rose Oates:

That sounds so fucking wrong, doesn't it? Oh?

Chrystal Russell:

my God. Well, you love things that do the job so you know, that's true.

Rose Oates:

Okay, so a lime-scented candle with physical limes in it that we can burn in our home, that will do the same sort of you know, the same thing. So after I physically clean my house, like I do on a Wednesday, I can light a lime candle, so to speak. You know how you light a candle after you clean and then cleanse the fucking, the vibes and the spiritual energy.

Chrystal Russell:

I think we need one in every room. I think we need one at work. Sometimes we need one at work 100%, because there's a lot of energy.

Jessica Lynne:

They work a charm. I've been like obviously testing them myself and because I can feel all the vibes, I use them when I'm reading for people now, like it's a thing, it just clears everything out that doesn't belong, and because it's like, basically, you know it's dosed with lime essential oil to the shit, like you've got that much in there that it really is like an exorcism for your home. And then you've got the physical lime in there as well, which adds to the potency. But it smells beautiful, it looks amazing. And then there's some other things I have in the pipeline too that will be coming. But yeah, guys.

Chrystal Russell:

I just got a vision of like you bringing out something that you're. No, I'm not going to say it. I'm going to DM you, just in case you're not thinking about it. It's a good idea.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, do it. Okay, drop that handle again because we will release this after it releases. Yes, it's thelimeglow on Instagram. You heard it here first. I'm bearing it on. You literally did yeah, quite literally Love that. Thank you, literally did. Yeah, quite literally, love that. Thank you so much for sharing that. Which brings me to you and your psychic medium abilities, like how do you actually channel people or spirits? Like I know that everybody's different. Can you like expand more about how you physically do it or how it comes to you?

Jessica Lynne:

So usually I will see more than anything else. So I have quite. It's almost like you know, when you get like flash images of things or you just see things like in your mind, like you might go, oh, you think of someone and just get like an image of them. That's what it's like for me when I'm reading. They just show me objects or flashes of things and then I might feel something like spirit tend to affect my physical body, so they might hit me in the chest and they might make me feel breathless and I'm like, oh, that's my symbol for someone passing of the heart, lungs or chest, or they just they sort of use your memories and your physical body as a way of giving you the information. So I might get flashes of like people that I've known before, who have passed in a similar way to your loved one, or you know, it's really clever the way that they use my own memories in order to piece together the puzzle for me for someone else.

Jessica Lynne:


Chrystal Russell:

It's really clever, but I always found it weird. Like are you so when you do a Zoom with somebody, you're still able to connect with them without being face-to-face.

Jessica Lynne:

Oh yeah, it's exactly the same. Wow, it's like sometimes it's almost better when it's online, because you're in a place that feels really comfortable to you, wherever you are, and I'm obviously in the best place where I feel comfortable, so we're both chill, like you know if you're in your car like you're not sitting in someone's random house that you've just come to and you're feeling a bit on edge like you're in your zone.

Jessica Lynne:

So sometimes it can help to sort of give you that more of a relaxed feeling so you're more open to the experience. So it kind of just it works either way. Energy is energy. It's not like bound by location or time or anything like that.

Chrystal Russell:

And do you? I'm so interested in all this stuff, I know it's cool, like do you hear voices at all, or you just see.

Jessica Lynne:

Like, like you said before, yeah, I don't hear anybody else's voice, but I hear my own. So they might just say something to me and I'll, or I might just see a word. So they'll be like. Or they might say to me you know heart, or they'll say trust, or they'll say something like word. So they'll be like, or they might say to me you know heart, or they'll say trust, or they'll say something like that, and I just know what the symbol is for that, or I know what they mean by it. And it's because I've built up like, it's almost like you've got a symbology kind of like keyboard and they just keep pressing all the different symbols and you know, which ones mean what.

Jessica Lynne:

So it's quite clever the way that I don't even know these spirits and it's almost like they come in and see my board and they're like all right, this is how I work with Jess. Bang, bang, bang, bang bang and it just works.

Rose Oates:

Wow how long have you had these abilities or that you've known? Has it always been there, or do you feel like it's almost developed and you've let it in over the years?

Jessica Lynne:

I think it's always been there. I just never really known what to do with it. So even when I was younger, I had really strong gut instinct, great intuition, like I just knew things, and I was super fascinated with this whole mediumship, spirituality. I was going down that road by myself before I even went into this in this way, but it's really only been like five or so years that I've been tapping in in this way, so it hasn't been that long. But I honestly believe like I had to get to this point in my life. I had to hit like my 30s before I was ready to be able to do this.

Jessica Lynne:

So sometimes people are like oh, don't you wish you could do it sooner? I'm like, not really, because I wasn't the person I am today. I didn't have all the knowledge and experiences I need to be able to do it like this.

Rose Oates:

Love that. I think there's something special about your 30s, though, and I love that you've been with Jade she gets real, oh my God. And I'm about to tip over the edge into my 40s next year, so I'm like oh special diving in.

Rose Oates:

I love that you've been with Jade for so long. Now she cracks me up Like she's a part, like a part of your the social side of things that I just find like hilarious. She reminds me a lot of Craig, in the sense, though, like she created the sign that's above Jess right now and it says I talk to dead people. She's got a great sense of humor. Is she spiritual, or was she even like a believer of this?

Jessica Lynne:

No, absolutely not.

Chrystal Russell:

She didn't believe in shit. How do you date someone that doesn't believe in it and just be like, by the way, I speak to dead people and she's like sure thing, yeah, she's literally.

Jessica Lynne:

Well, this is the thing I've always been into and she's just accepted it. She's like, oh yeah, whatever. And then when I'm like, I think I'm going to like do this and see what happens. She's like oh yeah, and I'm like well, I need someone to practice on, so you're going to be here.

Jessica Lynne:

And she was like, oh shit, I'm like, yeah, so you sit here and I'm going to channel for you. And because I don't know like her grandparents at all I've never met them, know nothing about them so I sat there one day with her and I'm like, okay, I see like this woman and I was like I feel like it might be your grandmother. Anyway, her nonina came through and she gave me a tour of her house of what it looked like. I'm like Jade, all I'm seeing is like this big yellow, long thing in the kitchen. I'm like I don't know what the hell this is. If it's a piece of furniture, she's like, oh my God, she had this really long round yellow bench.

Chrystal Russell:

Oh my.

Jessica Lynne:

God. And I said and then I'm like walking in and there's this big glass cabinet and then she says you always used to lay on the floor and then you use. It's really funny. I said I see you sucking on something. So I said to her and she's like what? I'm like there's this thing, it's like L-shaped, and you keep like sucking on it. I'm like what is this? And she goes oh my God, I used to like suck on my non-non's pipe because he used to have this pipe.

Rose Oates:

I was like what she's sucking?

Jessica Lynne:

Oh Lord you should have seen me saying this to her. I'm like Jade, what is this shit? I'm like this is getting weird. No, but she's like how would you have known this stuff? So it was almost like I made her a believer in channeling things that I wouldn't have known. Yeah, like before and like memories from when she was like tiny. So she's like maybe there's something to this.

Rose Oates:

Maybe maybe my partner slash now. Wife has actually got these abilities, so now she just kind of goes with it.

Jessica Lynne:

she's like yeah, whatever, my wife's a witch. Partner slash now wife has actually got these abilities. Yes, so now she just kind of goes with it. She's like yeah, whatever, my wife's a witch.

Chrystal Russell:

She is what it is Literally blows my mind. I am literally covered in goosebumps right now.

Rose Oates:

I know, isn't it incredible? And I just love the dynamic of yous twos Crack me up and that's what I was meaning, that's what I wanted to know. I was like how did you make Jade a believer? So you had to just prove your point.

Jessica Lynne:

I did. I had to show her things and tell her stuff that I would not have known. It was the only way, and I didn't even mean to. It was when I had no idea what I was doing and I was just practicing like just hit and miss, and things landed and the rest is history.

Chrystal Russell:

I love it. Have you ever done like group readings, like big group readings, small group readings, anything like that?

Jessica Lynne:

Yes, I have done quite a few group readings, mostly around like I think my maximum has been around like 15 people. I haven't done any like big live events or anything like that, because I feel like I work better one-on-one I feel like you just get a bit deeper. But yeah, they're really popular. People love them. Have you guys been to groups?

Rose Oates:

We've done. We've been to like a live reading recently, actually, we went to a big live reading and I think there was 200 to 300 people in the room. The energy I get quite bad headaches in those situations. I don't know why, but it was full on, wasn't it Because?

Chrystal Russell:

you're picking up on everything. That's why. But it was just like I was getting to the point where I was like, come on next person, because he was bloody, telling people you've got mould in your shower, you need to take your tiles off the wall, and I was like they don't want to know that. Tell them something interesting.

Rose Oates:

It was, I think in an hour and a half or so, I think maybe got through five people. It was like three hours we were there for three hours.

Chrystal Russell:

We were there for three. Yes, oh shit, what? Yes, and it was like five or six people. He got through and the information, yes, whilst it was like he knew the names, he knew who it was, he knew how they passed, he went into like rando detailsando details, that like. Like if my somebody came through and was like, oh hey, um, you got mold in your bathroom, I'd be like, yeah, cool, um, tell me something else.

Jessica Lynne:

Like yeah, I totally get that. Yeah, you know what, especially in like that environment, I really try when I'm in a group to make it like thick and fast. Like you're in there, you make the connection, you validate it, you fly through the message and because when I'm in that environment I want to get through as many people as I possibly can, so you're in that mindset of wanting to really hit where you need to hit. Or like, do the burning platforms like what are they worried about?

Rose Oates:

or what are they?

Jessica Lynne:

observing, or who do they want to know?

Rose Oates:

that they're watching over is so important as well. Like and I think sometimes they weren't hitting those validation points. Like there was validation in some people and other people were just like I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, like I'm not getting it.

Chrystal Russell:

Like it might be for future events and that girl he was like you're going to Japan, but you're going to come home early because there's going to be an earthquake. She was like oh great, I'll leave in two weeks. Thanks for that.

Rose Oates:

And I know that you're a person that doesn't like to give bad news or, like a lot of people, get really freaked out about ever seeing a medium because they're like, what if they tell me something bad, or will this change the course of my future?

Chrystal Russell:

Me. I'm like am I going to die Like now?

Rose Oates:

No, that sounded very like a no Okay wait you're fine.

Jessica Lynne:

No, it is. I feel like I hear a lot of horror stories of people saying, oh, I saw this medium and she told me that, like, my friend's daughter is going to die and she's going to choke and this is going to happen. Oh my god, I would never eat again all these horrific things and I'm like, oh my god, these people are now like living in constant fear of what potentially might be. Or I've actually heard someone say when your son turns four, someone's going to die, and so the son's now five and they're still waiting for whoever it is to die.

Jessica Lynne:

And it's like that was just not a thing, like wasn't necessary, like I don't understand why. Like, as for me personally, I only tap into what I feel you need to know for your highest good. So it's like, if you need to know that maybe you need to focus on this side of your health, or maybe you need to be, you know, going and reconciling with this person, or whatever, you're getting what you need in that moment to take you to the next step. It's not to take you to the in that moment to take you to the next step, it's not to take you to the end, it's to take you to the next step.

Rose Oates:

It's not taking us to the edge.

Jessica Lynne:

It's not right to the edge. Oh my God.

Chrystal Russell:

Well, I just feel like if you tell like I get, I've been to one before. Amazing. She said to me look, you need to really go to the doctor and have your liver looked at. I ended up having a cyst on my liver and I was like, thank you, I wasn't going to die from it, but like just that, I checked and I stopped drinking Red Bull for a little bit.

Rose Oates:

For a little bit. There you go, she's back on it. She's back on it. Apparently, sugar-free is going to make all the difference, guys.

Chrystal Russell:

Trying something healthier.

Rose Oates:

Anyway. But in saying that, like so, when you get like maybe a warning, yeah, you're saying you just want to present in the way that it would be like for your highest good to maybe like help and not hinder, because, yeah, you don't want to live in fear. Nobody wants to live in fear.

Chrystal Russell:

That would freak me the hell out.

Rose Oates:

Same. And, for example, the way that you get messages. This is something that's always like. Really interested me is can you change your course messages? This is something that's always like in, like, like really interested me is can you change your course? So at the moment, I'm going like in this direction Now I get my reading. Obviously, like you can say, this is going to happen if you keep going in the trajectory that you're going, but say, for example, I get my reading and then I go, you know what? Then I'm actually going to start exercising, or I'm going to get my liver checked, or I'm going to stop drinking Red Bulls. Now you can change that trajectory. Is that correct? Is that the right way of thinking about it?

Jessica Lynne:

Oh for sure, and I think too, sometimes spirit are very clever they might say something to you because in a way they want to trigger you a little bit. So then maybe you do change something. So I think you hear whatever you need to hear in that moment, whether or not you resonate with it or not, or not it's going to give you some sort of you know, it's going to push you in a particular direction that maybe you need to go in. So I always just think come with an open mind and if not everything lands, that's fine. You don't have to take everything on, but the stuff that does take with it, what you will.

Jessica Lynne:

And yeah, you have free will. We all do. We can change things every single day. But I think sometimes these readings are, you know, to give you hope or to give you a piece of the puzzle you didn't have, like it's not meant to, let's just say, completely change and, you know, heal your whole life. It's meant to sort of get you to that next step, whatever that might be, and help you to feel less scared about it, or to give you the courage you need to know that you can like it's, it's empowering. That's how I like to think about it. Yeah, I feel like it is.

Rose Oates:

It's empowering. That's how I like to think about it. Yeah, I feel like it is. It's really comforting, like I love the way you did my reading and bringing up people, that like you know that someone loved and that's over on the other side, there is just nothing more special than that. Like how much it can touch you. Or like bringing up those validation moments and how much joy it brings me. Like and how much like because you channeled my non, my nonna, and I was very, very close to her, and how like there were certain markers in my life that it could only be and I was like, not that, I'm a public figure.

Chrystal Russell:

Oh honey, she is.

Rose Oates:

She is. But there's things online especially because you have read for a lot of celebrities as well, so you've really got to make those validation like points for them To make it feel like you didn't just Google them.

Jessica Lynne:

Yeah, yeah, I get that a lot and, to be fair, like, for me less is more. I don't want to know anything about people before I read for them, like, if I know some stuff, fine. But I actually think it messes you up, because when you're in that moment you're going did I already know that? Or is that actually something I'm getting from spirit? So it makes you get in your head, especially in the digital world.

Rose Oates:

I prefer to just go with it. Yeah, like it's so digital at the moment. That's where I find like I feel like people are.

Chrystal Russell:

You can Google. Yeah, that's right, Like you can literally Google anybody. But I feel like if you get those things like the yellow counter and the pipe hanging out of her mouth like no one's going to know that stuff, I know it's incredible.

Jessica Lynne:

No, I know, and this is why I always ask Spirit too, particularly when I'm reading for someone who is a bit of a public figure, I'm like you are going to have to show up and you're going to have to tell me that maybe they've been thinking or things that they've been feeling, or questions they've had, or maybe conversations they've had with people close to them that no one would know.

Chrystal Russell:


Jessica Lynne:

I'm digging for that information because that's what makes it hit and you want to get that information in, like the first five minutes, like you want something where they're like whoa, like, that is not anything that anyone would know.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, because I think for me you shared the night she passed. I was heavily pregnant, my grandmother and this is pre-Instagram, nothing I would have ever brought up and I had preeclampsia so I couldn't go to the hospital and she was in palliative care, supposed to be there for two weeks. I was able to go see her. They were like don't come, it's not safe for you to drive. Jess is bringing all of this up to drive. Jess is bringing all of this up. I haven't even told you this. So Jess was sort of saying she knows that. You know you couldn't come and that's totally because it's something that I held with me and that she had all her daughters surrounding her and like the circumstances surrounding, like how and who was there when she died. And I was like there's no way, there's just no way. Nobody knows those like personal details. No one knew that. And I was like Jess, you got me hook, line and sinker. I was like tell me more.

Jessica Lynne:

I was like, I love that, but she knew, she knew she had to give you something, so you knew it was her. Yeah, and that's what I like how they go. If I'll say this and then you'll know it's me, because you know, sometimes we think, oh, is it this person, is it that person? And then when they say one particular thing, you're like, oh, now I know who it is.

Rose Oates:

It was amazing.

Chrystal Russell:

They're clever. I feel like, though, can you give away anything like about us two, just so we can blow like our listeners' minds?

Rose Oates:

I don't know.

Chrystal Russell:

It doesn't have to be anything big, but just so people can, like you know, contact her and be like whoa, she's a real deal. Well, you know what?

Rose Oates:

I mean, I know you get really excited about this.

Jessica Lynne:

Oh my gosh.

Rose Oates:

How funny.

Chrystal Russell:

Well, you know what?

Jessica Lynne:

I'm not in my channeling state of mind right now, but the only thing I saw when I was in your energy is there's references here to like. Your health and wellness is massive, like in your life right now. There's something to do with um, I feel like you want to like, you're working out more or you're trying to be more physically active. I just feel like you need to wait. Is this for rose? No, this is for you. Yeah, you need to be walking more. I keep seeing like walking references, gym references. Yes, girl, that's her.

Rose Oates:

She hates exercise. I hate it. And she's been like you need to come to my gym. She's been doing dance classes. She definitely does need to walk more. She's lost all muscle Carbs. See, this is something no one would know, but she showed me her floppy carbs Literally my leg. I have like no muscle left, it's just a floppy calf. See, it is true, like she's been saying I need to do something. I used to have a good butt and now I've got no butt and I hate the gym and it scares me. And that's something she's just been saying to me personally and I'm like I'm going to get you fit.

Jessica Lynne:

We're going to get fit. I think you need to. This is not a coincidence. You've had that conversation and now it's like I'm not even full-blown channeling right now, but it's like screaming at you. Okay, like we need to get you moving so you feel like a better version of you. Okay.

Chrystal Russell:

It's time. It is time. She's like damn it.

Rose Oates:

She's like damn it, that's not. I don't know what I want to do here.

Chrystal Russell:

It just doesn't fulfil me, I don't go. Oh my God, I can't wait to get to the gym today. You know who does.

Jessica Lynne:

You do. You might one day I love it.

Chrystal Russell:

No but she does. She's like I can't wait to get there. I'm going to feel so much better. I'm like, fuck me, I'm going to hate every minute of this damn thing. Get it, it's so well. I do like dancing, though, and I've conned her into getting into dancing and she was like I'm never gonna do this thing, and now she's gone and bought us shoes like for dancing it was making me physically ill like I was getting.

Rose Oates:

I felt sick to be sexy dancing. Now I see myself as a goof. As you know, I don't see myself as particularly sexy, but you've got to actually be like touching yourself up.

Chrystal Russell:

Well, girl, I watched your video from last night's performance and I almost fell off my chair.

Rose Oates:

Well, except for when I couldn't get up because my knee was broken, like I was like this.

Chrystal Russell:

I saw a bit no, you got up, it was good.

Rose Oates:

I hope no one noticed.

Jessica Lynne:

Oh, that's so good. I love that. Look at you both encourage each other in different ways, that's right, so good we do push each other.

Chrystal Russell:

That's right, physically and mentally Good and bad. Oh my.

Rose Oates:

God, how funny. This is so good. I had a few other questions for you. I was like what is one of the most memorable readings you've had for yourself personally and like, have you ever gotten really emotional doing a reading Like for them? Like it's just been really like hard even for you to read it for somebody else. Like I just feel like you're a no-bullshit kind of girl and that you just like feel into everything that you do, the way you show up on Instagram, the way you read, and that's just like feel into everything that you do, the way you show up on Instagram the way you read and that's why I love you.

Jessica Lynne:

I love that. Yes, I've had multiple readings where I've been crying with the person, like sometimes it just hits and it's around those really like tragic circumstances, particularly when someone's like being robbed of their time. They were like you know what. You could add so much more time if this didn't happen to you and you can physically feel, particularly when you've got like husband and wife or like partner and partner when someone loses their partner. I just can't. I'm like, oh my god, that would be like my worst nightmare please god, don't do that to me.

Jessica Lynne:

um, but these mostly women like that have had their partners pass and I just can feel in their souls like that shit, am I ever going to find that again? Like am I ever going to find somebody who was like this person? And you just know, they're like two peas in a pod and you're like, oh God, the pain of like just feeling that love through me. I just can't, it's like tap me out. Yeah god, how are they even standing?

Rose Oates:

these women, but that hits you in the personal feels like that is my worst fucking nightmare.

Chrystal Russell:

Like that me too my worst nightmare is like one of my kids yeah, away like I feel like I just would be, like, no, I'm done no see ya like I feel like that's it's just yeah, I know it is, it's horrible.

Jessica Lynne:

But you know what, when kids come through, like when you channel them, they are the most beautiful energy, like unlike anything, no matter how old these kids are, like they are so full of beans and positive and healed and light and they just want everyone to know that they're okay. So the energy from kids when they come in, whether or not they've been here physically or not, like spirit, baby energy too, it's just like, oh, everything Do they grow over there in the other like, yeah, because you watch movies and it's like they passed away as like stillborns.

Chrystal Russell:

And then they're like oh, on the other side they're still growing, year by year.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, Does that actually happen? I saw someone, a medium like on TV, and he was doing something, reading for someone and said that she was getting her licence or at the age of getting her licence At the age. And he didn't know her age. She goes oh, she's telling me that soon she'll be getting her licence.

Jessica Lynne:

And then they worked and actually be turning 18 that year. Oh, I love that. Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah, I feel like sometimes spirit they come through how they want to be remembered. So even if you've had, let's just say, a newborn like pass away, most of the time they'll come through when they feel like they're like they're little, like five or six or something like that. It's sort of like whatever resonates with their soul is where they'll sort of stay and probably when that medium was referencing the 18 year old person getting their license, it was probably in reference to that soul letting that person know how old they would have been or what they would be doing if they were still here, more than the representation of them growing to that age. It's like the souls kind of stick with how they want to.

Jessica Lynne:

And this is why it gets really tricky when people like how old was the person, how old were they when they died? I'm like, well, I'm going to know from what they tell me, Like you might have an 80 year old, but they're coming through feeling like they're 60 or 50 because they want to be vibrant and full of beans. And I'm like, oh, they feel young in spirit and they're like no, vibrant and full of beans. And I'm like, oh, they feel young in spirit. And they're like, no, they were like 80, 90. I'm like, oh well, to me they're not coming through as some old person Shit, they're coming through like I'm going back to when my boobs were actually back up there.

Chrystal Russell:

That's what I'm doing.

Rose Oates:

I'm never coming through as a 90-year-old Never. Sometimes I have to sometimes be mature in front of the kids.

Jessica Lynne:

No, they come through how they want to be remembered. So age is just a human thing. That's an illusion. It doesn't matter over there. I love that.

Chrystal Russell:

Yes, that's so exciting. And have you ever because this is another thing that I always think about like, have you ever done a reading for somebody and them not have a future? Like, ooh, no, like, and them not have a future like, ooh, no, like, you know what I mean. Like I can't see anything.

Jessica Lynne:

No, like, no, no, not at all God, I would be worried if I didn't see anything.

Chrystal Russell:

But no, it's never happened.

Jessica Lynne:

I've always seen something.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, okay, yeah, and then Jess wouldn't fucking tell you that She'd be like. I'll get back to you guys.

Chrystal Russell:

Hold a minute, my Zoom's cutting up.

Jessica Lynne:

I just thought surely it would happen Like, say, they're going to die tomorrow and they're just like, don't like you know, I don't know, you know what's interesting though Even though, like I, because I don't want to ever see like when people pass or I don't ask for any of that information but it's interesting because sometimes I've seen people who I've read for and I see longer than what they actually lived.

Jessica Lynne:

It's really interesting. It's like I'll see, like, for instance, I, I read for this woman and she was having a baby and I was like, okay, I feel like everything's going to be fine. I feel like that you, you know it's gonna be a girl and she's gonna be like this, and I just saw all of this stuff and this future unfold and she ended up like passing away the baby, or them, yes, the baby and before she, like she came into the world and then she passed away, kind of like I'm stillborn, I guess we could say and I was like that's so interesting, but they showed me her life and they showed me what she would have been like, but then she passed, but I didn't see that and I was like maybe in that moment I wasn't supposed to tell that pregnant mother that her baby was going to pass.

Jessica Lynne:

I was meant to give her hope in knowing that this is what her daughter's soul was like, and to have faith and go through that journey.

Chrystal Russell:

It wasn't for me to tell her it was for me to let her know that she just needs to relax and everything will work out the way it's supposed to Well, I mean, if you had have seen it and had told her, like imagine, you just wouldn't even, you'd be beside yourself every day, but it wouldn't have been what she needed to hear.

Jessica Lynne:

And I felt bad about it when I found that out. I was like felt bad about it when I found that out. I was like why didn't they show me that I feel so bad? I gave her so much hope and then I thought no, because in that moment that's what she needed. She needed that in that minute. It wasn't my job to tell her what was going to come to fruition. It was to give her the reassurance to keep going on the journey.

Chrystal Russell:

Yes, whatever reason I got did she reach out to you and be like oh, just letting you know like I lost the baby. Yeah, I found out. Yeah. Yeah, I know, but she's just had another one, but also, could it not be that child that you were seeing? It could have been, or you don't think Well, this one's a boy, oh.

Jessica Lynne:

But you know what I actually said to her. I was like, look, I feel, cause she was pregnant, and I was like, oh my God, I feel like you're going to have a boy and she's like, no, I reckon it's a girl. And everyone says it's a girl and I'm like, no, it's going to be a boy, because we don't want you to feel like you're replacing your daughter, so this is why they're giving you the boy. And she was like, oh, okay. And then the other day I saw online she posted like we welcome the boy. And I literally just sat there and I'm like, yes, I'm like, yes, like I'm so glad that that message, I hope, stuck in her mind so that she knew why this was the way that it was.

Chrystal Russell:

That is actually beautiful, yeah, it's kind of nice.

Jessica Lynne:

That's a full circle moment where it's like even though that was one of the most horrific things that probably ever happened to her that there was obviously this little girl made room for this boy to come in, and maybe he wouldn't have been here if that didn't happen.

Rose Oates:

Oh, it's so nice it is so beautiful, like you really do provide so much comfort, like you know, to people all over the world. Tell us honestly let's hype this bish up Like how booked up are you, girl? Like what's the wait list like these days? Because I remember at one point you had, like you were working at the time and you still had a wait list of like 800 people. You were booked up solid for a year Is that correct.

Jessica Lynne:

It was crazy. Yeah, so I've closed my books for now. Thank you. Oh my God, I was actually just about to say, like, can you do a reading? I know I've closed my books for now because I started booking into like June next year. So I thought I'm just going to close and then in the new year I'll start to trickle some appointments so people can book, because I want to remain somewhat available. If I kept booking out then it was just not fair for everyone.

Jessica Lynne:

You're never going to get there, yeah, so I've closed them for now, but I have a wait list, so if people jump on that then they will be the first to know when I open appointments and you can go for your life. But in saying that, I have one question readings every single week, so I drop them first in first rest and you can just write your question and then I send you a video response of me channeling that question for you Love that.

Chrystal Russell:

I'm going to be on your Instagram every week now. That's exactly right, she loves it.

Jessica Lynne:

She's a real talker.

Rose Oates:

Oh my God, jess, thank you so much for fucking taking the time today. I could keep going with you, but we are renowned for doing extremely long podcasts. And what is it? Eight o'clock your time it is. It's 10 past 8. Oh my God, thank you for being our very first Zoom potty. I am going to pop everything about Jess in the show notes, but can you tell us where we can find you?

Jessica Lynne:

Yes, so I'm on Instagram and TikTok at JessicaLynnMediumship, or now you can go to at the lime glow as well. Or you can go to my website, jessicalynnemediumshipcom, or I have a podcast of my own. Yes, so my podcast is called Talk Spirit to Me, so you can get that on Apple or Spotify.

Chrystal Russell:

I love that name.

Rose Oates:

You guys have got all the good names. I know how clever was it. I absolutely love it. They do also have like you've got is it cats and dogs by like weird names as well.

Jessica Lynne:

Oh yeah, All our animals are named after clothing.

Chrystal Russell:

After clothing Okay, please tell me.

Jessica Lynne:

We've got singlet cardigan, skirt, apron, t-shirt. You do not, they do, we do. But how did that come about? That was all jade. So when we got the cat, we were like we're just gonna call her t-shirt. And then, when we got singlet, we were like we're either gonna go with the t name, like t-rex or whatever, but he was too cute, so we're like we're just gonna go with clothing. And then she's like let's call him singlet. And then it just dominoed. Wait, do you have a dog as well? What's your dog called? We have two dogs and we have a cat now, and then we just lost a cat and a dog. Yeah, so we had three dogs and two cats.

Chrystal Russell:

You must sound like a nutcase at the park going April come here Diddy, a singlet Singlet.

Rose Oates:

I know People are probably like huh, what are you talking about? But that's the beauty of it. Keep them guessing, Jess. Keep them guessing. Yes, exactly.

Chrystal Russell:

Listen, at least you didn't call your child singlet. Then I'd be like what the heck?

Rose Oates:

Who knows? It's all. Who knows what's going to happen in our next generation? I feel old these days, mate.

Chrystal Russell:

Well, there is some apples and some pears out there.

Rose Oates:

Yes, get in with the riz you.

Chrystal Russell:

You're whizzing it up my son's Levi, and he thinks I called him after Levi the jeans. I thought you did too. No, oh, I called him Levi after a hot Australian Idol guy.

Rose Oates:

Wait, don't tell Davin that one.

Chrystal Russell:

Actually I called Indiana after, like my mum, yeah, Anna, but Indiana Jones I fell in love with her when I was a kid and I was, like I'm going to have a kid.

Jessica Lynne:

That's like adventurous adventure baby, I love that I actually feel like the people's names, like they become, whatever that she loves traveling.

Chrystal Russell:

You know who I was thinking about. Then who's your other daughter?

Rose Oates:

Scarlett, she's cheeky. Oh, jess, honestly, we're like I said, we're gonna put all Jess's information out. Remember, look out for her opening her trickles of readings in June next year. I love that you've left that open so everybody's got an opportunity. We love that you are the most. Be like the no BS of frigging the spiritual medium world and, yes, we want to talk to you again soon. Yes, I would love that. Thanks for having me, thank you. Thank you so much, jess, and always remember to look after yourselves, everyone and take care of each other.

Rose Oates:


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