Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal
Welcome to Baring It All with Rose and Chrystal. The podcast is where they deep-dive unfiltered into all things motherhood, mental health, relationships and having conversations about things happening in their lives as they navigate it.
Think of it like your two best friends learning, having fun, asking questions about things they wish they knew sooner, laughing and supporting each other through life's ups and downs.
They want to get to know you more about each other and our bodies in general; sometimes it gets emotional, other times spicy, and most of the time their minds are in the gutter.
Join the ride as they unpack taboo topics, chat about everyday life, learn and talk with incredible guests and industry professionals who have been through it, baring it all by sharing their stories.
Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal
Unfiltered catch up and life with Rose and Chrystal
Let's Chat! send us a message, question or a confession to unpack!
Join us, Rose and Chrystal while we catch up on life with each other.
Ever feel like life's a never-ending juggling act between work, home, and those little moments of mayhem that keep things interesting?
Listen in as we chat about everything from the anticipation of a new spicy book release , family work dynamics changing, from the upheaval of salon relocations, burnout and the adventures in motherhood, to Chrystal's unapologetically candid shopping confessions and just downloading on life with each other.
So, give your scrolling thumb a break, and come join the conversation as we share the our realities, the mishaps, and the unfiltered joy of bearing it all.
Connect with Rose and Chrystal on Instagram for more stories and fun mini-weekly catch-ups.
DM the girls, get involved with the conversations, and feel free to ask questions!
Rose Oates
Chrystal Russell
And don’t forget to take care of yourself and each other -
With Love Rose & Chrystal x
Welcome back to Bearing it All with Rose and Crystal. Now, today we're just Bearing it All the weekly download, what's been happening with life? I mean, at the end of the day, we cover a lot of serious topics, but we're just like really good mates as well, so we don't mind. Just like sharing a bit of our lives, like what we're doing, like keeping up with the Kardashian style and you nosy bitches like to know what we're doing, so we thought we would let you guys know, and fill you in pretty much.
Speaker 1:We're just going to be chatting with each other, so, yeah, what's been happening with you?
Speaker 2:um well, about to have a nervous breakdown?
Speaker 1:actually no maybe or actually, we'll see.
Speaker 2:It's on the verge um, it's on the verge, like that fucking old, rusty uh washing machine. Um, that's what my life is right now. It's that washing machine. That's what my life is right now. It's that washing machine on the verge. It's not really working anymore and it's been kicked to the curb.
Speaker 1:Yep, okay, all right, let's go there. What's happened? What's been happening?
Speaker 2:I am just exhausted, so transitioned from Subiaco Salon to Inglewood, thought that I was magical and could do a fit out in three weeks.
Speaker 1:You did though.
Speaker 2:I did do it, but there's still some bits that are clanging and banging and happening. Had a few disputes with a few tradies and they thought I was sweet and innocent and I was like, if that's not done, you're going to get kung fu'd.
Speaker 1:My kung fu kick.
Speaker 2:I know I was legit going to pound some. No, that's violence, I wasn't going to.
Speaker 1:But you felt like you would, I could, yeah, but trainees yeah, you had a deadline, I had a deadline.
Speaker 2:And literally we moved in on the Thursday and shit was still getting done on the Friday and I was like I'm going to twist your face off your head, yeah, and through the night as well.
Speaker 1:I don't blame you, we were there all the time, exhausted.
Speaker 2:Some shit went down, lighting got installed. That was incorrect. Yeah, it didn't light up. Now it's getting reinstalled. And it's just. I had booked a photo shoot, had to cancel it, like it's just been. It's been a lot. Hey, it's been a lot plus juggling mum life and everything else in between.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but that's sometimes. It doesn't all like. It's not all balanced, is it?
Speaker 2:no, and that's where I'm gonna say what you see on Instagram is not always reality yeah, oh my god, that's my life.
Speaker 1:That's what I mean. Like you see, 15 seconds. Oh my god. I'm opening a new salon, my business is booming and, yeah, that may all be true, but also shit goes down behind scenes Like there's a lot of hard work that goes on.
Speaker 2:So much cost factor that goes on and everything was like. This is the quote, by the way day, of we're adding two grand to it.
Speaker 1:Sorry, Business is not cheap. Small business exactly. It's not easy.
Speaker 2:No, no, but it is just. I'm just riding the wave right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love that you're just taking it as it comes.
Speaker 2:I'm living off Red Bull. Oh my gosh, she's got two.
Speaker 1:Red Bulls. I've got a headache. I've drunk half a can ASMR. I love ASMR and I just hear that not everybody does Well off topic right now, but do you ever watch food videos? Yep. And they're like they get millions and millions of views swear to god, we need to do it yeah, but I mean, why are these people making money and we're not?
Speaker 2:they're off the most simple things. Yeah, they're just eating.
Speaker 1:Like there is some girl, I'm sorry, I'm in like infatuated with her this is why they're making, this is why they're rolling in it in the YouTube life.
Speaker 2:She gets like this massive bowl. She's got some sort of like mixed chilli thing going on with like seafood prawns, some veggies. She dips it into this like chilli sauce and then she's like but it's crunchy and she slurps it.
Speaker 1:It's slurpy, oh my God. I'm so sorry if you don't like food noises, but I am obsessed with ASMR. I find it so relaxing. I actually think I could do it. What about the crunchy?
Speaker 2:ones People eating yeah. I don't find it as you find the slopey ones better.
Speaker 1:Slopey ones better.
Speaker 2:It makes my mouth water.
Speaker 1:I love when people are opening packages and scrunching paper up. They're like I just got this, I'm just going to open it.
Speaker 2:There is a girl who eats eggs and it makes me sick. She literally eats like a whole plate of boiled eggs. It looks like 50 eggs and she eats the whole lot.
Speaker 1:But I think it's because it's so weird, it's intriguing, but she swallows this thing almost whole.
Speaker 2:Well, she's very talented then. I'm just thinking about the eggs in her belly.
Speaker 1:Oh no, that's gross Like. Oh man.
Speaker 2:No, totally off topic, but anyways, it doesn't matter what's been going on with you.
Speaker 1:I'm exhausted. I'm really tired physically, mentally and emotionally.
Speaker 2:She's been working hard for the money All the things, and that's why guys are looking.
Speaker 1:I'm just looking for that easy way out. Mate, if I have to sell a foot, pick I will. What is it? What do I have to do? Do I have to?
Speaker 2:swear. I mean listen here. Only fans is. People are making some huge dollars. I know Way easier than, like you did, find that white lady who sits on cakes from living. She literally sits on cakes.
Speaker 1:Look, give me a belt, I'll do it. I'll do it. Let me sit on a red velvet cake. Whatever, I'll buy whatever cake you want and I'll sit on it for you.
Speaker 2:Do you see what I mean? Like options are endless.
Speaker 1:I agree, obviously there's something for everyone. Anyway, they're making more money than me, I can't deny it. But yeah, no, I'm exhausted. I am as much as I'm laughing about it. I'm not unhappy, I'm just mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. I'm touched out and I think I've been burnt out since December. You knew this. Yeah, went away to Bali in January for three weeks. It was actually thank God, it was divine. But you do come back and it's like it hits you in the face.
Speaker 2:Hey, well, I feel like, yeah, you get almost like rumble and tumbled because you just you got used to you're so relaxed and you went for three weeks long time like I was begging you to come home.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was like I'm never coming home. That's how good I felt, well, not when your laundry's getting done, your cleaning's getting done I do get homesick though well, I had everyone there, I didn't need it I didn't get homesick, except for the dog yeah um, but yeah, I was trying to explain this to someone the other day. Is that burnout?
Speaker 1:so I was burnt out I am, no, you are burnt I am burnt out and people go oh, you know, go get some rest. You need some rest. Burnout is not a sleep. Burnout is not going to bed early for a couple of nights and then you don't feel burnt out no, it's like it's months of recharging I think it's also learning from your mistakes. Like I need to change my habits or else I'm going to continue to do the same shit but this is our own fault because we don't have boundaries no we don't.
Speaker 2:we have no boundaries, zero boundaries, that's true. So this is what happens, right? Everybody's taken a bit of our pie and they're just having a nibble, and we just keep giving and giving, and giving and giving, and I just want the whole slice. I just want a slice of my pie and I go to get it and there's just some crumbs Exactly.
Speaker 1:We need our pie.
Speaker 2:Stop letting people. We're tired of our pie.
Speaker 1:That's right, Guys, if you're listening, this is takeaway from this Like put some boundaries in, Stop eating people, please. It's hard guys.
Speaker 2:Do you know what, though, Like? We're not even taking our own advice.
Speaker 1:No, we're never taking our own advice, still not. We probably should have shut that door, hey, because probably everyone can hear us in the studio, that's fine, if only they could hear that last episode. Oh, no, yeah we did a Confessions episode last episode, just before this. It was good. Oh, who's reading? I'm reading some spicy books.
Speaker 2:I'm not reading anything. You're not really a reader, are you? No, I'm not a reader.
Speaker 1:No, but I have stopped watching Netflix and I've started reading sexy, hot, spicy novels. And, mate, if you need, you need a little bit of spice. You need to reactivate your bloody yawning your clit. Get a little tingling again, get a pulsating.
Speaker 2:Flick your rocks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, flick the bean. You need to start reading these spicy novels. And they've got on TikTok. There's like a book talk and then people review the books for you and they even give it like a chilli rating and you can get different spice levels.
Speaker 2:Where have you been all my life? My sister's into books. Actually, you and her should start a book club.
Speaker 1:Oh, I love books but I haven't read. I haven't had the fucking time. But I've been like, no, you're reading TV, you're reading TV, you're watching TV and falling asleep in front of it. If you've got an hour for TV, you've got an hour for a book. So I've started changing that habit.
Speaker 2:Probably better for your brain too.
Speaker 1:And it's been getting me off the phone at night so that I can change my habits and stop being burnt out. So I read for an hour or three.
Speaker 2:An hour or three.
Speaker 1:Oh my God. No, If it's in a spicy spot, I'm not moving. I'm not moving as he gets her on the wall and he just slams. And they go into detail in a book, it's not like on TV. They can't tell you. I think I'm reading the wrong books. You are reading the wrong books. I don't know what you're reading Are you reading a cook? It didn't I love fucking boring self-help books. You know what Self-help books? This is the book that's helped me the most.
Speaker 2:What's that guy, tony Robbins? No, the guy who writes the books about money.
Speaker 1:Clearly I'm not reading them Because I'm about to fucking start an OnlyFans and sit on a cake. What is it?
Speaker 2:called. Oh my God, I can't even think, but he's released all different.
Speaker 1:The Barefoot Investor.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Barefoot, oh yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:He's good, he is good.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I've read them, but they're not like turning me on at night.
Speaker 2:Nah.
Speaker 1:They're not doing anything for my bean.
Speaker 2:Oh, this is doing something for my bean. Well, I binge watched Selling OC in one night, that's a lot, yeah, but at least you got it in. I think they're only 30.
Speaker 1:Which one?
Speaker 2:The new season, and it's only eight episodes, so I just like sat on the couch watched it. Then, when it was done, I was like it's finished.
Speaker 1:What am I going to do with my life? Exactly that's how I feel about when I finish this book. I'm going to be upset.
Speaker 2:Maybe I need to get a book.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, let's go to the next spicy level. So I'm on, I wing Iron Flame and then the next book, the Bish. If you're listening, writer, whoever you're writing can't remember who's writing it. Sorry, rebecca Yaroslav something. She's not released the next one until November. So I'm going to be praying and thinking about my Dragon Rider for quite some time before I get to read what happens next.
Speaker 2:Is this book a new book or you've just found it? I can't tell you. Is this book a new book or you've just found it?
Speaker 1:I can't tell you. I couldn't tell you, I'm not that. Where did you find?
Speaker 2:it.
Speaker 1:I came up.
Speaker 2:Like did you come across it on TikTok and then you were like I need to read this book.
Speaker 1:A friend of mine, ash, if you're listening, she has read 30 books. I think she loves her books. I think she's read 30 books this year, if not more in the month.
Speaker 2:I think you're smart if you can read.
Speaker 1:Is that saying you're not smart? You're pretty smart. I'm dyslexic.
Speaker 2:I'm like hubbubla-shubbubla.
Speaker 1:You're like, I'm fandangling.
Speaker 2:I read like two sentences and I'm like I've forgotten what I read.
Speaker 1:I'm like that. But because I like I'm interested in the book, then I'll keep reading it, then you can keep reading it. Bye, yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:You've got to keep me focused Online shopping, though I'll scroll for days.
Speaker 1:Oh, love them. You're addicted, you've got a problem.
Speaker 2:I've got a full-blown problem.
Speaker 1:Okay, when she's sad like she's shopping. If I've rung her how long ago, a couple of weeks ago.
Speaker 2:If I'm in a shopping centre.
Speaker 1:I rung her, she's like sounds like a sad panda, like she's been caught in the rain. I was like what is wrong? And she's like I'm just feeling really sad. So I have to go out and have a shopping day. She'll spend money if she's sad.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then it sits on my wardrobe floor with the tags on for like five months. Do you get the guilt?
Speaker 1:sometimes when you come home Like you're like I've spent a lot of money.
Speaker 2:Sometimes, sometimes you're like I feel so good. Sometimes I feel fulfilled. I'm like pair of jeans.
Speaker 1:you filled that hole in me today, like, instead of dealing with it and going to therapy, I'm going to buy some jeans.
Speaker 2:And then Davin's like you know that pile of clothes, can you put it away? And then, as I'm putting it away, I'm like, oh, that's new, that one. I think I bought that about six months ago. Don't even want to see my shoe stack. Novo had a sale, won't lie. I think I bought about 50 pairs.
Speaker 1:You did not, I did 50?.
Speaker 2:They rocked up in a carton.
Speaker 1:Fuck man, how depressed were you that day. I got excited.
Speaker 2:They were $20.
Speaker 1:Mate, this is another.
Speaker 2:They were $20 and they had my size and that's rare Size 9, $20 shoes. Bought the whole lot.
Speaker 1:I don't even know if I'm going to wear them all. I don't even know if I can do the maths. I'm so stupid I can't, really. I'm not mathematics. It was cheap $20, but you brought 50 pairs.
Speaker 2:Maybe exaggerating, but it was a full carton that got delivered you got excited.
Speaker 1:You kept adding to cart and then you saw the final price.
Speaker 2:You're like that's not that bad for 50 pairs.
Speaker 1:I was like I have to pay it, oh, dear God.
Speaker 2:Afterpay. You should sponsor me, man.
Speaker 1:What Novo?
Speaker 2:Afterpay.
Speaker 1:You've kept them a lot Because.
Speaker 2:I'm just like that's my secret. I just afterpay everything. But, then weekly my afterpay amount comes out.
Speaker 1:I'm like oh, you're like, I just brought one big thing.
Speaker 2:How is that amount, that amount? And then I look at my breakdown I'm like, oh, okay.
Speaker 1:We've got to deal with your emotions a different way sometimes.
Speaker 2:Probably need to see a therapist.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do too. I do see one.
Speaker 2:But people no, like things. Make people happy, Like different things make people happy.
Speaker 1:Well, at least yours is a shopping addiction and not like Cocaine. Well, I love that. That's what came to your mind straight away. It's shoes and not coke. That's right, that's true. That's true.
Speaker 2:Could be worse, could be alcohol, could be, could be a million of different things. Right, that's fine. Yeah, I'm glad that it's shopping, because at least I look nice.
Speaker 1:I only wish that the stupid wish had the same size foot as me.
Speaker 2:You could squeeze. You're almost there.
Speaker 1:No, I'm a 10. I'm 100%. Some of them though. I border more the 10, 11 than I do the 9, 10.
Speaker 2:So just start buying 10s. I don't mind if my shoe's big.
Speaker 1:That's fine. Then that's fine. Then you say they were roses, we can make this work, we can make this work, but yeah, what else have we been doing? I think I'm coming to the end of the hard time.
Speaker 2:You've been bloody smashing styling jobs like here, there and everywhere.
Speaker 1:We're coming up to the end of, like, my job, so I hand over on Monday. So I'm so relieved and I also think I'm going to hit a brick wall after I'm scared that I give them up. I'm done. What do I do with my life?
Speaker 2:I'm sure you're like me. You just find something else.
Speaker 1:I know, but that's not a good thing, yeah.
Speaker 2:It's bad Like this is how we get burnt out all the time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, things have to change.
Speaker 2:But we also live off adrenaline.
Speaker 1:I know this is bad. Actually, my therapist put it away a certain way. He was like you're hyper-focused on it, so you get so excited, you're so into it Everything revolves around that and then when you stop doing it, you crash. And that's the same even with my food. So today I was meaning to tell you this. Today I've been eating properly. So like I had breakfast, I've had a snack, I've had lunch, I physically had to force lunch in. It made me feel sick because I was so full.
Speaker 2:I'm proud of you.
Speaker 1:I pushed it in. I'm like not overeating, nothing like that, but like I had an alarm going.
Speaker 2:Well, look, it's better than what we normally do. What do we do? We don't eat the entire day, and then at night time we're like cookie monster. Yeah, getting it all in.
Speaker 1:That's exactly right. I'm like I look at Craig and I'm like I will kill you if you do not give me some sugar right now. Yeah, and then he's looking at me like he'll throw anything at me. He'll be like have it.
Speaker 2:Get away from me. Here's a packet of chips Get away Like throw food at her.
Speaker 1:No, but I've been eating. That's good. So today I've eaten and that's my goal to continue to remember to eat, because when I'm hyper-focused or when I'm doing something I really, really love on the computer it's not that I don't know that I'm hungry I forget to eat.
Speaker 2:And you don't eat or drink.
Speaker 1:Don't eat or drink, and then I crash. So when I'm finished and that's how the therapist kind of put it he was like your body then kicks in and goes. You are actually crashing because you're actually starving, but your brain had taken over and was like oh my god, but you're so excited, so keep doing that.
Speaker 2:So I've been eating today and I haven't reached for any sugar well, that's good, because sugar is like something that while I'm drinking two red bulls over here yeah, that's right, because you probably fucking did the same thing as I haven't eaten all day, guys, if you haven't eaten all day.
Speaker 1:That's the issue. That's why also we binge, and also pt rose is coming back in. It's also why we reach for sugar, because simple sugars our body goes just get a lolly, get some chocolate. Because energy straight, but it's quick energy so it goes straight into the bloodstream really quickly and gives us a boost of energy but also crashes fast. So we're not going for sugar because we're addicted to it. We go to for sugar because we haven't eaten enough during the day, so we're hungry and it's like help me, I need to fuel.
Speaker 2:I'm like there we had a client in the salon yesterday that actually brought like all her little lunch containers and I was so like that's impressed intrigued because one I'm also very lazy I would not fucking do that.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, love that she's doing it but, I can't imagine myself doing that.
Speaker 2:Well, I can't imagine. It's almost like you know, when you take your little kid out and you've got a packed lunch. It's the same sort of scenario.
Speaker 1:Also. Then I get FOMO, Like if I see someone else eating something delicious and I've got like tuna and rice. I'm not going to deal with that.
Speaker 2:She's doing a body comp, and that's why. But I was very intrigued by her snack boxes. I was like oh, what's? In that one, and what's in that one?
Speaker 1:No, if she's doing a body comp. She's going to have to be on point Eating exactly when she needs to eat. I can't go down that road again, man.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, she said it was hard. She has like two cubes of dark chocolate and I was like vomit.
Speaker 1:No, I can't do it To me like that disordered eating in my past. It just fucks with my head.
Speaker 2:I can't do it, but I'm proud of you because it takes a lot to remember to eat. I had an alarm. It was going off.
Speaker 1:It was like meep, meep, meep, meep. And also I've got Craig. When Craig's off, he literally takes care of me like a baby, brings you lunch, yep, cooks me eggs in the morning because I won't eat I won't look after myself and for some reason like that's how I feel loved.
Speaker 1:So he's realized like I genuinely feel so loved when he makes me eggs in the morning and he's like here's a fucking water bottle, don't you dare not drink that? Or he's like it's lunchtime, I'm gonna heat your lunch up and I'm like thank you, baby.
Speaker 2:So I'm scared for when he goes now well, rosa's gonna have to make herself a checklist, so eat breakfast pick.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but who's? Oh, I'm gonna keep yourself accountable. I don't know if I can do it.
Speaker 2:I'll remind you.
Speaker 1:Craig is going and doing two and one, so he's gonna be working two weeks on and one week off. So I'm going back to full blown fifo life with the four kids, like that is gonna be hard. I'm scared, I'm genuine. You know I have been yeah, you have.
Speaker 2:You've been like holding my breath. I was gonna say resenting this week. Now, what is the word? No, what's the word when you're like not looking forward to something? You know, I don't know either.
Speaker 1:I don't know, but you're like not looking forward to something you know?
Speaker 2:I don't know either. I don't know, but you've not been looking forward to this coming.
Speaker 1:It's almost like yeah, I've had my.
Speaker 2:You're like pretending that it's not going to come. Yeah, but it's a week away now.
Speaker 1:A week before he leaves for two weeks on, one week off. And we've done this in the past, we've done FIFO Life before, but I only I was younger, everything was so different and I just I know I obviously will keep the kids alive and I'll keep myself alive. Just I just feel like it's more load on me.
Speaker 2:But also, you need to lean on your family, because I know what you're like and you're just like I'll just do it all. Just lean on your family.
Speaker 1:I'm going to have to.
Speaker 2:I have to Well, you need to.
Speaker 1:Because I don't think I can do this all by myself. I don't think people either have realized how much more responsibility that's going to be on me. Everyone's been going. Oh congratulations, craig. This is amazing. And then my brother even said and rubbed it right in my brother goes to me to craig. Oh my god, craig, this is gonna be a break for you. You're gonna be able to go to bed every night in your own bed, on your own what about you?
Speaker 1:they don't get, but that's. That's what's been hurting me, chris, like I've been going, has anyone thought about you me, at home doing all the driving for four kids? Yeah, I have to hand it to single mums yeah but I have to do so.
Speaker 1:Maybe that week that he's back is when you need to be like hey, for two days I'm gonna do my own thing yeah, and also the first thing someone said is oh, you know, when he comes back for his week off, that's his rest time. I went, of course I'm not gonna throw the kids at him the first day they come off. I know how tired they are. I would never do that.
Speaker 2:I've never done that before but also he's probably getting a solid sleep at night and you're not.
Speaker 1:I've never get. Oh, I, I felt it was really insensitive to have someone say that to me and go. Oh you know, when he comes off, you can't expect just to throw the kids at him. And I'm like one, you know me and I would never do that.
Speaker 2:I think Craig's hands on anyways, Like he's going to miss them so much that when he gets home he's going to want to be with them anyways yeah, and he would never.
Speaker 1:He would take his day his first day. He will need like a proper rest, especially coming off night shift, but he's not the sort of person that's not going to be. Like, bro, I don't want to do anything for a full week.
Speaker 2:Don't talk to me. He's not going to be like that, no way.
Speaker 1:I'm sure there's men out there that are like that but, craig is not one of them and I'm not one of those people that's gonna not allow him to have time to rest.
Speaker 2:And I just thought you Just feel like it's going to take you a few swings to get into the swing of it.
Speaker 1:Well, exactly, I'm scared, but I am scared, you'll be fine, it's going to be hard but, you're going to do it. Yeah, I mean I've got a lot of things, we've got like a lot of goals, well, so many goals to smash, I know so Well.
Speaker 2:So many goals to smash, I know so. You've got to work, and that's the issue too. It's not like you're going to be a stay-at-home mum. That's the issue, me and you have got those brains where you don't stop.
Speaker 1:That's exactly right. Well, even when I was a stay-at-home mum, you were still doing other things. And even being a stay-at-home mum, I can't do it. I don't know how stay-at-home mums do it. It is fucking hard to be at home.
Speaker 2:I feel like the more the kids at home, the more mess they make they do Get out of the house. Yeah, I know.
Speaker 1:Guys, yeah, like tip my hat. I've always worked, but then I took that year between Tater where I thought, fuck it, I'm going to be a stay-at-home mum. I fucking hated it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's hard.
Speaker 1:You've got to play with them all the time.
Speaker 2:I remember when I had Levi and people were like, hey, can we come visit you with the baby? And I'd be like, oh, so is a mat carrying up shopping centre.
Speaker 1:You would just go out. Every day I went out somewhere. Yeah, it is.
Speaker 2:And just smashed the credit card. Davin was like can you just stay home for one day? I love shopping. I need the socks and the hat and the bibi to match, and then you're like there was only lay-by back, then you could only lay-by. There was no afterpay either. There was no afterpay. Think about that guys, there was no afterpay, no zip pay.
Speaker 1:Oh, there was nothing, you had to put it on my credit card. Oh Jesus Kristen, I was in debt. I can't believe you had 50 pairs of shoes arrive to your door.
Speaker 2:Might have been a slight exaggeration, but I will show you.
Speaker 1:There's. Probably when you said they come in a carton, there's stacks.
Speaker 2:There's stacks in my wardrobe right.
Speaker 1:I want you to snap me. When you first walk in the wardrobe, then, just like along the bottom of all, there's just stacks of boxes.
Speaker 2:How did Dav not notice? Me no he was a bit annoyed. He was like you're not even going to wear any of these shoes. I was like, yes, I will. What?
Speaker 1:are you talking about? You're like I've got so many things on yeah, and some of them are really ridiculous.
Speaker 2:One looks like a fucking pretzel and it was pink. I'm like I need this in my life. It's $20.
Speaker 1:$20 is $20. Yeah, you're like 20 marks. It's girl math. You've saved hundreds of dollars. I'm like one day these are going to come in fashion Crystal. You need to send me a photo of these tonight. But also girl math, exactly If they were down from $100.
Speaker 2:They were once $120.
Speaker 1:That's right, you've saved money.
Speaker 2:I saved $100.
Speaker 1:You could have got say you actually got five pairs of shoes out of that.
Speaker 2:This is what I do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's how you warrant it, that's how you.
Speaker 2:That's right. Like if I find my favouritest jeans on sale, I'm buying five pairs In every colour, just the same colour.
Speaker 1:Oh, you will not.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know those Jacoba ones that are like a bit wide with the rip.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love those.
Speaker 2:I've got five pairs.
Speaker 1:Fuck off, you do no wonder. You can wear them all the time. I've got five pairs. I thought I was just going to do the wash.
Speaker 2:Get a bit stretched. Get my new ones out. I'll get the hell out. I bought them in a few sizes. Somebody take me to rehab.
Speaker 1:This is serious. Okay, we've admitted it out loud Fuck my life. Well we are burying it all we don't talk shit.
Speaker 2:I have not not said it Like I have a problem, you do.
Speaker 1:You do, but I think it's been on the. It's been getting mad. It's maybe gotten worse. I think with the opening of the salon, there's been a lot of stress there and you've been needed to decompress and you're online and that's just for you.
Speaker 2:That's just time for you but this is how I do it, guys. I'm just going to share my secrets with you, okay, so I go on to my favorite shopping websites, right? Feel the cart I feel the cart, then I go back in and then I'm like remove a few items, fill it again. I do that as well, remove a few items, fill it again. I feel like it's refreshed.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Then I get to a point of like I'm really happy with these.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'll just wait a little more, in case they go on sale.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Sometimes the cart gets empty, then I get really pissed off. Because I'm like I've just spent a whole few weeks getting this cart ready to go.
Speaker 1:I wish the cart could save yeah.
Speaker 2:Sometimes it saves, Sometimes it's just like you haven't bought this bitch in three weeks, so see ya. Then I get really mad, right About to put in a customer complaint Where's my cart?
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:Then the thrill when I'm entering my credit card details, I'm like, oh, you're sick, right, sick, right, you're sick. Then, when I get that email, the order is on its way.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm tracking it. There are so many document hits. I'm tracking it day by day, day by day.
Speaker 2:I'm tracking it. Then when that doorbell rings and that parcel is at my front door, I run like a little schoolgirl to unwrap it.
Speaker 1:How about when you miss it and the card comes? How does that make you feel I'm fucking livid? Yeah? I've got to rampage down to the post office and go where is my package and then it has an yeah, sometimes you go down before it's even there, don't you?
Speaker 2:now always make sure I go 5 pm oh, that's true, okay, she's smart. I'm smart, you need to. I'm not driving there unless I know it's there dopamine.
Speaker 1:Hit after dopamine, hit after dopamine.
Speaker 2:Then I unwrap it all and that then I do the try on yeah then it sits in my wardrobe for five months and it's possible that sometimes it's it yeah so sometimes I'll I will be like, oh yeah, I love that one and then this other one. I'll be like, why the fuck did I buy that?
Speaker 1:never gonna wear it.
Speaker 2:That was just a moment and it goes in a selbo's bag sometimes the tag on. Put it in the selbo's bag swear to god, my sister gets so excited when I do a throwout day because she'll be like this still has a tag on it, bonus.
Speaker 1:Ding ding Oi. So your sister, oh mate, good on you, good on you Cam.
Speaker 2:Oh, she lives for it. She goes through that bag like it's Santa Christmas morning.
Speaker 1:Absolutely she should. They could be new items that you got for 20 bucks Bargains or or more.
Speaker 2:Let's be honest might be five pairs of the same jeans in that bag if you really like those jeans, crystal has a pair for you I know when people message me and go hey, I like those jeans. I'm like what size are you? Because I've probably got five pairs of them.
Speaker 1:Do you want to buy a pair from me, because I'm probably not going to wear them oh my god, I didn't realize how, how far you go, but I, I but I'm intrigued by it and I kind of love it.
Speaker 2:Don't tell Davin, I think he knows. No, he lives with me, he knows.
Speaker 1:He knows, I've just gutted my whole wardrobe Mine's in the office. I got sick of looking at it and the whole thing is in my office.
Speaker 2:I'm starting again. I'm starting again. Are you doing a shop? Can I watch? I might get excited.
Speaker 1:I think you will. I think it'll be a dopamine hit you, right that sounded so dirty Like.
Speaker 2:Can I watch you and your partner? Can I watch you online, chap? Can you, Chap? I want to watch you. Add to cart.
Speaker 1:Ding. Your order is on your way.
Speaker 2:Wait, that just excited me a little bit, did it?
Speaker 1:Yeah Ding, oh goes cha-ching. It's done. I have to turn it on silent. When I do that, though, because Craig's like oh, on Amazon.
Speaker 2:Okay, here's another thing. Right, I've just figured out Amazon.
Speaker 1:Yeah, or have you not?
Speaker 2:No, I did not shop on Amazon.
Speaker 1:You need to experience the joy, guys. Amazon, amazon, right, it's addictive.
Speaker 2:It comes the next. That's even more exciting Up to two days delivery.
Speaker 1:Do you want to see my Amazon recent hoarder? Let's do it, yeah, please.
Speaker 2:I'm going to bring this up right.
Speaker 1:Honestly, I love shopping Amazon in general. Look, it's in my All right, here we go Wait wait, this is actually a bit embarrassing. Oh my God, give me the phone, it's all work related, is it?
Speaker 2:Yes, it's all work related, but I got so excited.
Speaker 1:Fuck me, it keeps going.
Speaker 2:I've been getting a parcel every day.
Speaker 1:Dear God, you have chairs in there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh my God, I've got something every day rocking up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but that's don't even mean it's just going to keep on. It's just like pliers, tissues or ultra slim paper towel. Yeah, it's been. 12-piece styling clip hair. Ooh, sewing scissors, three-piece sewing scissor clippers.
Speaker 2:I have been going nuts, Love it. I don't know if I'm saving anything but just the thrill of like buying and it rocking up the next day. I'm like this is so exciting, Amazon's good like that. I also bought my tiny glasses for $6. Each, Was it each? No, I think it was for six. A dollar each. Are you sure, Crystal, maybe not. You know what I'm telling myself. I was like I made a saving, yeah like I saved myself so much money. It might have been $6 each actually.
Speaker 1:I think maybe they were $6 each. Anyways, that's Crystal's confession. This, anyways, that's Crystal's confession. This was half a confession episode. I believe We've just had a shopping addiction.
Speaker 2:Well, you confess that you like to read sexy novels and then have a rampage.
Speaker 1:I absolutely do. One day when I'll tell you off air the confession you will not even believe.
Speaker 2:From you yeah.
Speaker 1:Why off air. Well, you'll want to unpack it. Okay, trust me. And it involves my recent birthday cake.
Speaker 2:What did you do?
Speaker 1:with it.
Speaker 2:Let me tell you this I just went to the gutter, you should be in the gutter.
Speaker 1:Let's just say this there was orange and pink icing.
Speaker 2:In places there shouldn't be.
Speaker 1:I felt like in places there should be what so I'm getting the worst visual right now.
Speaker 2:Why the worst visual?
Speaker 1:because I'm picturing all sorts I hope you are, because there was all sorts happening. This is probably in 15 years. Okay, me and Craig have been together 20 years, but in 15 years I don't reckon I've had this sort of good time whoa and I mean it's all thanks to my birthday cake.
Speaker 2:Wow, we are unpacking this on the next episode.
Speaker 1:I swear to god anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one. Today, guys, it was just me and Crystal unpacking life, unpacking how we're feeling right now, and that she's got a major fucking shopping addiction.
Speaker 2:Please don't judge.
Speaker 1:There's never any judgment here, but you know what? There is A lot of truth. You're not full of shit. You're not like saying you don't do it, no.
Speaker 2:Exactly, it's better than having a coke addiction. I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:Or alcohol or anything else. She could have chosen anything else. This is how she's medicating right now.
Speaker 2:I'm not saying it's healthy either. No.
Speaker 1:That's like me. Humour fixes everything. I'm like I'll just mask it with fucking a laugh and that's not healthy, but it works. It gets you through.
Speaker 2:Gets you through the day, oh, and just leaving you guys with like a little bit of a quick little. Me and Rose have been talking about some really exciting things that we have planned for this year. And we're going to start unpacking it and hopefully bring something to you guys really soon.
Speaker 1:Yes, I think a little get together situation might be on the cards. I just hope Tequila Rose comes out. I do. Tequila Rose is a really good time. I tell you that she is, she doesn't need a lot of tequila. She needs good quality tequila. But she's there. Actually, I would love to bring out my own tequila brand.
Speaker 2:Oh my God Wait, didn't Kendall Jenner do that? Yeah, was it tequila or vodka.
Speaker 1:I don't know. It's in the shape of an eight Like. It's a funny looking bottle. One of the two, mine, would be way more fun.
Speaker 2:Yours would be so fun. Yours would be so fun, except you know, I'm not a select Like you could do some sort of like no, that's champagne, but I'm thinking like it pops and makes like a noise like your sound.
Speaker 1:My sound.
Speaker 2:Like a sound, no, like Hi-ya.
Speaker 1:I'm ready to party Ninja kick. Who knows? I know, and not everyone's seen my ninja kick. It's a special. We need to film it. It's a special one.
Speaker 2:We need to film it. The ninja kick is amazing.
Speaker 1:My ninja kick. It's like an excitement, isn't it?
Speaker 2:When Rose is really excited or she's ready to fight someone.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm like defensive.
Speaker 2:The ninja kick comes out and it is literally the cutest yeah.
Speaker 1:And then I told Crystal the other day it's because I used to be a blue tip, a blue belt black tip in taekwondo.
Speaker 2:And she was like like where are you? And she literally did this itch knee sanshi go look I did.
Speaker 1:Is that wait was that good?
Speaker 2:no, that's japanese in japanese, but they made me do it when I did karate, yeah, but I don't know what kind of itch knee.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
Speaker 2:I do, kata oh I'm pretty sure mine wasn't in japanese. Do you want to hear why I gave up karate?
Speaker 1:Yeah, you do, guys, you do. You want to hear this.
Speaker 2:So we were in like this massive gymnasium right Massive and you're on these wooden floors and they're making us do some sort of weird thing on the floor.
Speaker 1:Carter probably.
Speaker 2:Don't know, I farted so loud it echoed literally through the floorboards. Everybody could feel it. They all turned around to look at me. I was mortified, never went back, gave up karate because of that fart. It literally echoed through the floor.
Speaker 1:It ruined you. You were sitting on it. Were you sitting down?
Speaker 2:It was so loud. Yeah, I was on a mat or something, I think, I don't know, but it went through the whole floor.
Speaker 1:What did you do? Did you sit there?
Speaker 2:I think I looked at the floor.
Speaker 1:You were like who did that? That's weird.
Speaker 2:I was like mum was like what's wrong. Why don't you want to go back to?
Speaker 1:karate.
Speaker 2:I was like it's just not for me.
Speaker 1:It doesn't agree with my stomach. All right, babies, let's wrap it up and we will see you next week for another episode of Bearing it All with Rose and Crystal. Until then, take care of yourselves and take care of each other.
Speaker 2:Bye.
Speaker 1:Bye-bye.