Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal

Intuitive Readings and Spirituality with Paige

Rose and Chrystal Season 1 Episode 8

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This week on Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal embark with us on a profound exploration of spiritual connection as we welcome Paige, from Realm Intuition. She is an intuitive reader and energy worker whose life as a FIFO wife and mother of three intertwines with her psychic journey. Paige's story will captivate you as she reveals her dance with intuition, the art of distinguishing spiritual messages, and the essential practice of 'spiritual hygiene.'
Paige shares that we all can connect to our spirtuality in whatever way feels right to us and that it's different for each individual, as well afirming that we are all intuitive and that embracing our clair senses, listening to our guides and heeding inner warnings ( like our gut feelings ) can really help our decision-making and safeguard us from unseen pitfalls.
Closing with an reading, Paige brings messages to us and also for those listening, explaining that timing is everything.  Whether you're a seasoned spiritual voyager or just dipping your toes into the waters of intuition, our exchange will leave you contemplating the messages that whisper just beneath the surface of your daily life.

Find Paige here on Instagram @realm_intuitive
Energy Cleansing | Intuitive Readings | Sound Events

Connect with Rose and Chrystal on Instagram for more stories and fun mini-weekly catch-ups.
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Rose Oates
Chrystal Russell

And don’t forget to take care of yourself and each other -

With Love Rose & Chrystal x

Speaker 1:

back to another episode of Bearing it All with Rose and Crystal. Today we have Paige on. She is an energy worker, an intuitive reader, a FIFO wifey and a cheeky mum of three who takes a no bullshit approach to spirituality.

Speaker 2:

So Paige's goal is to create feel-good moments through connection of the physical and the spiritual realm. So welcome Paige.

Speaker 3:

Hello, thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited. Actually, this is our jam. Yeah, we love a little bit of woo woo.

Speaker 3:

I mean everyone does. They do, Whether they admit it or not. Everyone does.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, even if you're a sceptical, you're still kind of interested.

Speaker 3:

You're intrigued, yeah, whether it's negative or positive, you're intrigued, aren't you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you don't know, it doesn't matter if you don't believe, you're just like hmm, that's interesting, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know Like.

Speaker 1:

I definitely have a, I believe yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, you've had stuff happen to you. That's like people contact you, you just weren't ready for it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I'm still ready for it.

Speaker 3:

Do you know what? That's usually the way it pans out Like you'll hear shit or things will happen. I like pretty much getting to the start of my story. I'm just going to blurt it out there now that makes me happy I was. I am shit scared of the dark, I am scared of the nighttime, I am scared of noises and this work was just like a big no-no for me. I didn't look into, I didn't watch scary movies. I didn't look into, I didn't watch scary movies, I didn't watch anything, I didn't.

Speaker 3:

I was scared, you know, and it was only in the last couple of years that I think it was after having my daughter and I started to connect a little bit more to myself and things became stronger and I felt more safety around it. I guess I was always scared that I was going to bring negative shit into the house into that.

Speaker 3:

So, and that's usually the reason why people sort of like you know, cut it off or don't go further with it. And it does. It starts off with you know things that are coming through, and it's just whether or not you're willing to sort of, yeah, I guess, dive into it. And then again it's learning you know spiritual hygiene we call it so yes, yeah, and just how to protect yourself. So, yeah, I guess learning. All of that is when I started to open it up and I felt sort of safer, I guess, doing it and yeah, that was the start of it. But no, I just cut off messages.

Speaker 1:

I know, because you don't want to think you're nuts. You're also thinking nuts. Why am I? I'm still nuts Because you're like, obviously your brain, you're always talking to yourself and then all of a sudden it's like a voice that you don't recognise is saying something and you're like, pardon, did I just make that up? Is my brain and imagination going wild? So that brings me to my first question. You were saying you let it in, but like, what really like made you think this is my intuition or this is me picking up, like energy? What made you explore that more? And how do you explore it more? Like, do you go talk to someone else? Do you get advice?

Speaker 3:

like this is a bit of a open yeah, it is, it is and I look I'm I guess I'll say lucky because, um, I wanted to sort of step into it and but my auntie is a medium and we have it in the family, so once shit started to happen, we've grown up around it.

Speaker 1:

So you knew where to go.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it wasn't a weird thing. We've watched her since we were little talk to herself well, what we thought was talking to herself, but it was talking to everyone around her in the spirit world. So once it started to happen I sort of knew that was it, and only because I'd seen it. But for someone that doesn't have it around them, yeah, it would be a strange thing. Because you really do, you hear, you hear things, you hear. I'm gonna say you hear voices, you know, and a lot of people don't know how to interpret it and they think it's themselves or they, you know. They start to question it.

Speaker 3:

I guess for someone that doesn't have that work around them, the biggest thing to understanding it is understanding yourself. So if you understand your internal talk to yourself and your feelings of your body and your emotions, you know when it's not yours, if that makes sense. So it really is a deep internal work. First, not always like I can, you know there's, there's some things where, like I was just saying to you before, you don't need to meditate for half an hour to five hours just to connect. You know, sometimes I've had a good twerk to the song that's on and then a message you do. You know what I mean. Like it's yeah yeah it's.

Speaker 3:

It is a personal thing, but it is knowing your internal dialogue. I guess, yeah, when you're yeah, to compare it to something else that's come through, that's not you. I.

Speaker 2:

I need to get something off my chest. Yeah, go, I feel bad. I mocked Madeline off maths now Maybe she was just talking to somebody and I was like she was talking to herself and it was weird. But you know, probably shouldn't have gone down that route. Sorry, madeline.

Speaker 1:

She took it. She did come across very wild.

Speaker 3:

This is the woo-woo lady.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Okay, for everyone listening, I'm not a maths person so the girl's going to update me as we're going along with this, but this is the woo-woo lady.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I saw her partner have a big outburst the other night. Is that her?

Speaker 2:

No, oh, fine, okay, she was literally on for like two episodes.

Speaker 3:

Oh, never mind, I'll shut my mouth.

Speaker 2:

You have to watch those episodes. Yeah, okay, then we'll do another debrief, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if she was just in it for the fame, or it was wild, it was very wild. I think it wasn't a good representation of the community, the spiritual community.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say, though, putting it onto a show like that. I don't think that. I think that would bring light to the cuckoo.

Speaker 1:

Yes Rather than the yeah for what it's for.

Speaker 3:

So I mean look, we are cuckoo. That's the thing.

Speaker 2:

I do love cuckoo yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's a good cuckoo.

Speaker 2:

So tell us your day to day Like what is a life day to day for you?

Speaker 3:

It's in regards to like okay, so everyday life it's mainly mum shit. It is mainly mum shit. So it's kids to school, kids get ready, kids to sport. I and that's with this work why I loved it with the kids because I try and incorporate them in it as well.

Speaker 3:

And not so much like the readings and the psychic and the mediumship side but in regards to, I guess, the self, not self-development, but we do the sound baths together and that's a time for us to connect through the work and it shows them like, I guess, like a little mindfulness session. Yeah so. I do try and incorporate that with them and that's a part of our day, whether it's literally just like my little one, she's, so I've got an 11 week old oh my god, yeah I know.

Speaker 3:

So that's why I said bear with me the last couple of weeks oh sorry, I sorry, I did not realise you just had a baby.

Speaker 1:

Well, congratulations. This is a mum of three with one freshie, a freshie.

Speaker 2:

A freshie. Well, thank you for joining us.

Speaker 3:

Wow, no, honestly, I really appreciated you being on here. So no, that's good and yeah so, whether it's just like a little chime over, you know, just something to incorporate the mindfulness throughout the day, but other than that it's a shit show. It's hectic.

Speaker 1:

Do you have to switch off from that?

Speaker 3:

like things coming in while you're just doing the mum thing. No, no, no. So that was one thing and I think I guess the way I entered into the spirit side so like readings and allowing this connection with the spiritual realm I was already quite aware of the work and my thing was having boundaries before I started. So, in, like this, for someone that doesn't know, um, anyone that they can turn to, or a mentor or anything like that, it does just flow in and it's it's really hard to shut off for some people, um, but my thing was okay, I'm ready to step into it. I'm not stepping into it from fear, how I was before, um, but I'm gonna have boundaries. And that was something I learned through my auntie of just like okay, no, now's not the time, or you just set an intention for the day.

Speaker 3:

So it's pretty much like there's some days that I'm scattered, I wake up and I'm just a mum and that's it. There's days where I will lay in bed and set an intention that I will connect to spirit or connect to whatever I need to. So it's more setting an intention for your time and setting an intention around, like your boundaries, really. So if there's something I want to know, I'm like okay, leave me open today for channeling whatever needs to come through. Some days I'm just out of it in the like, disconnected from the spiritual side, so I feel like that's there, knowing that I'm not even going to take it in anyway, I'm going to miss it completely you know, so that's whether or not I'm getting messages and signs, but I'm just in a complete different world.

Speaker 3:

That's yeah, so it's just about setting boundaries.

Speaker 2:

We all need boundaries. Yeah, I need some heavy boundaries.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

We all need boundaries.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and it's not just like in the physical and the assholes around us that need boundaries.

Speaker 1:

It's like spirit, you know it's energy that comes through. Well, they will want maybe a human too, so they need to learn boundaries still.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you can still learn while you're over the other side yeah, you're still learning yeah, you're still learning, you're still in a connection and this is only something I heard the other day as well, and it is it's like there's always a soul. Do you know what I mean? It's like the soul passes over. The physical is gone, but the soul passes over and that's the connection. That's where we can still to. So people think the connection is to the actual person, you know, and they think of the physical and we can. In regards to seeing, I said this is not going to be mediumship, but we're starting to dive into mediumship. So it's obviously what needs to come up yes, go on.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so they connect to the physical body and sometimes, like like spirit, will present themselves as the physical. For myself, I'm not a visual and this was a boundary that I set. Coming into it is that scares me. I don't want to be standing in my hallway and see a fucking shadow down Do you know what I mean I don't see shit.

Speaker 3:

I don't, I don't, and whether or not I haven't connected to it enough, but I don't want to. So I've always said, if I connect into a meditation of like connecting to spirit, don't let me see shit. I'm ready to hear stuff. Bring it through things that I'm comfortable with. Yeah, I don't want to see you. I am petrified of seeing things too, yeah and that's like that's, that's, I guess, when you're connecting, just show me in ways that are comfortable for me yeah, and that's how I connect.

Speaker 3:

So it's like whether it's through like visual in a sense, in my own mind, not like you know someone.

Speaker 2:

Actual visual yes, and what about like smells? And oh yeah, smell senses, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So that's all like your clair senses, so like your clairvoyant.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And that's what most people would have heard. And then there's like your clair audience and all of that. So it's hearing, smelling, tasting, knowing Another, like your clairaudience and all of that. So it's hearing, smelling, tasting. Knowing another one is like intellect, so it's more like I would connect that to like channeling, so you're getting words coming through in a sense of like a knowing is just like like that you know something, you. It's like a gut, you know a gut feeling, or. But smells, yeah, smells are a big one, like if I connect to, I'm just, for example, like one of my connections, I could smell the sunscreen my nana used to use when we were little.

Speaker 3:

And I was literally. My mum lives out in the bush. There's nothing around. It usually smells like nature and then I get a whiff of like a coconut sunscreen.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, and at the time wasn't using coconut sunscreen. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

So it's things I've definitely had, that You've had the smells. The smells come to me big time and I was like putting the windows down in the car. I'm like, oh my God, it smells like cigarette in here, like what it was is it was a pipe. It was a pipe and my best friend's dad smoked a pipe and lived in the bush and I could smell like weeds and like smoke, but like a pipe.

Speaker 1:

Smoke is really like deep and I was like, but I was actually going to see her, but I had no. Yeah, that's how it started happening for me anyway, yep, yep, yep.

Speaker 3:

And it's usually like do you connect with like I don't know, like, say, using like essential oils and things like that? Do you use your senses a lot?

Speaker 1:

I have good memory with smells.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay, so you connect to smells, I feel like you also are very intuitive.

Speaker 2:

Like you will get a gut feeling about something, but sometimes you ignore it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, my whole life ignoring gut feelings. Yeah, All my life ignored how I the strongest thing, until it hits me in the face, up until I will just share Spirit will keep doing it.

Speaker 3:

They're like sit the fuck down and listen to what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Well, I will tell you this. Actually, I didn't even think I was gonna share this but, last year on my birthday, a couple of days before my birthday, I went to this coffee shop to meet my friend and I parked in this spot with the kids and I kept thinking I shouldn't park here. There was absolutely no reason I shouldn't park here. Everyone else was parked there. I was like I shouldn't park here, I shouldn't park here, it just was I shouldn't park here, that's.

Speaker 1:

And I was like, oh, whatever I was like fuck off, it's so easy to park exactly where I am no, I was at the. I was like Swan Valley area, okay, and it was to the point where I actually said in the car out loud to the kids should I park here?

Speaker 3:

Like as if my two and four-year-old were going to answer me.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I get out of the car, I take them out the back, I open the boot to get the pram and this lady walks past and honestly, like a crazy person, it still makes me cringe to this day. I said maybe I shouldn't park here.

Speaker 3:

Spirit making you do crazy things.

Speaker 1:

I was like how embarrassing. Anyway, I walked to the front of the cafe and a car hits my car I've got a full drive hits my car pedal to the metal and pushes it out of the way so it's screeching. So she accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brake and smashed my car and just kept pushing it, like within 15 to 30 seconds of me and the kids getting out I would have been on the side that she'd pushed across and I was like that's my car.

Speaker 1:

And the lady that I actually spoke to was the mother of the other lady's car. Her daughter was there they were there for her birthday as well and she hit her car and then my car.

Speaker 3:

I still love like even being in this line of work, I still love hearing it because it's just like it shows you there is, you know, like there's yep, and I didn't even take it as a bad thing.

Speaker 1:

I was like okay, you should have listened to your gut. Basically, I had to physically show you like, and I was like, whoa, I've never felt so, what the hell just what the hell just happened and I knew I shouldn't have parked it like I knew I was. I was getting screamed at and I was ignoring it and it really taught me a lesson and from that birthday on I've sort of embraced, started to a little bit it is it is.

Speaker 3:

You know, there's some things that just get quickly sort of shown to you and you think, oh, yeah, okay, I'll get back to that. Or you know, like, um, things like that and it it's, it's like a muscle, you know, it's just like starting to listen to it, using it all the time, um, and just little things. Like there's a, an activity that I do and it's like one day, just like led by spirit sort of thing, like I'm not talking like detrimental decisions but in the sense of like little things just start to sort of if you hear something or get a hunch, just follow it.

Speaker 3:

you know and see sort of what happens and it starts to strengthen the connection. It also shows spirit that you're listening, or your guides or whatever's around you. You know sort of.

Speaker 2:

I actually like that we should do a day like that of just listening to her Like a yes day.

Speaker 1:

Like a yes day.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you can get in my head today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're allowed. Actually, that brings me to this question Is everyone intuitive? Does everyone have this ability?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they do. Yeah, everyone is intuitive. It's our own energy, it's just connecting to it and it's like I said, it's like slowing down to understand yourself. So connecting to it and it's like I said, it's like slowing down to understand yourself. So some people's will be a lot stronger and some people will completely shut it out, and it's. It's just exactly that. It's a muscle, it's like a muscle. It's just trusting it, using it, and it becomes stronger, louder.

Speaker 3:

It's yeah, everyone definitely has intuition it's like you know it's like saying someone doesn't have a gut feeling yeah, everyone's got a gut feeling, yeah yeah, like it. It's like saying someone doesn't have a gut feeling, yeah, everyone's got a gut feeling. Yeah, like it's. Yeah, everyone can sort of connect intuitively to themselves, to others. And again, it's like that soul connection. Do you know what I mean? It's like if you meet someone and you get a feeling about them or you connect with them really well. It's that connection, Like everyone say, majority of people- yeah, that's me, but really everyone yeah, like everyone, can be sort of intuitive Mediumship.

Speaker 3:

There's different beliefs around this, so this is so. Intuition is a gut feeling. It's a feeling, a connection, a knowing, an understanding of our own energy and others' energy. Psychic is tuning into what's in that energy field. This is my interpretation of it and there's lots of shit about it, and it's it's how I work. Psychic is tuning into someone's energy or an energy field and it's like the quantum field. You know shit that's already gonna happen, it's already in there, it's already out that's what I reckon we connect to you know, so yeah then that brings us into like.

Speaker 3:

Obviously. Then there's like fate and destiny. So fate is like the end result, it's what's going to happen, no matter what. Destiny is the destination there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So your destiny, like it's picking up, I could say something's going to happen, but then you've chosen a different path and a lot of people. That's your cop out. That's your yeah, what I mean like and and I understand that and I understand the um, like the skeptical thinking behind that, but it is like you're not held into anything and that's the psychic reading. So that's like picking up what's in your energy field. Yeah, um mediumship connecting to spirit.

Speaker 2:

I need to know what do you feel about us? Or like what have you picked up off our energy? Like I am sorry, but I need to get down to the dirty. Yeah, yeah, I could tell when I started getting the giggles Like look at this.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, Okay for everyone. She's sweating she is sweating, she is sweating.

Speaker 2:

Okay, because I am so excited and like this stuff makes me like and I feel calm.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not nervous, I'm like calm.

Speaker 2:

Two I feel calm. No, I'm not nervous, I'm more calm. Two different energies, okay.

Speaker 3:

Two different energies, and that's not what. I'm just picking this up now from what you're saying to me. Two different energies. So that's probably why, okay, are we letting?

Speaker 1:

it all. We're burying it all, baby.

Speaker 3:

I was in and out when I first spoke to you. I was in and out of what I was going to do. So when I first spoke to you, I was in and out of what I was going to do, yes or no. And it was about you know, like do I want to share this or do I want?

Speaker 1:

to Share the fucking shit. I am loving it, like I feel so excited in my head I'm like oh, this episode is so good and we're 19 minutes in it was.

Speaker 3:

It was like an internet energy. Am I going to do this? Am I not going to do this? Am I going to do this? Am I not going to do this? And I don't know if that's like bouncing off the two different energies of it, like the excitement and then the sort of like it wasn't even a like, it was just. Oh look, that was the start of it, that was in and out in and out.

Speaker 3:

Then I had a little meditation on you know what I would share and what I would bring to it and things like that, and I think I kind of felt a bit more grounded about coming in. And then that's when a little message came through, and it was a connection to New York. So, like I said, it was.

Speaker 2:

We don't really know right now.

Speaker 3:

And that's the thing. And I always say don't force it, don't overthink it, like you'll start to think. Could that be?

Speaker 2:

it. You know, you've said it now, so now I'm going to nonstop think about it. I know, and that's the hardest thing, I want to be on a billboard.

Speaker 1:

That's the hardest thing Putting it out there.

Speaker 3:

But that was so. It was like an in and out sort of energy, up and down sort of energy. That was what I picked up prior to coming through.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So now it's just like, firstly, getting over my own nerves of like being on here yeah. And that's then where this work comes in of. Like I sat in my car before I got out, is this mine? Is this the energy that I'm stepping into or I'm about to step into? And I could definitely tell it was mine, like it was my own shit and yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I sort of like cleansed, disconnected from that and just allow, and that's what I said. It's like allow what needs to come through to come through. That's sort of separate from mine. So, yeah, that was the start of it, yeah, but yeah, let's see what comes up as we're going.

Speaker 2:

You actually brought us a little present like a little spray, and me and Rose yeah, show them. A few weeks ago I was a few weeks ago I was feeling so down and I went to Rose's house and anyway, she got out her sage. And I'm not saying we did it correctly, but it was pretty damn funny. You have to watch all my story. Have you seen the proposal with Sandra Bullock? And she's out in the field with the grandmother and they're to the window, to the wall.

Speaker 2:

So Rose was saging me while I was singing that it was pretty good and I'm going bitch be gone, and I'm just like hoping that this is the thing.

Speaker 3:

Is that wrong? One of my girlfriends, she always says to me whenever you say you're working, I picture that moment in the proposal.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you're like out in the bush.

Speaker 3:

Around the fire, yeah, chanting shit and, like you know, getting your tits out or something.

Speaker 1:

I'm the one with nature.

Speaker 3:

But no, that's, and this is the work is like look, I'm going to be out there with this part. I don't sage. I don't use sage, okay, for other reasons cultural reasons but we don't need to get into that today. I don't use sage and that's why I create cleanses like this but that also resonates with me with the water cleanse.

Speaker 1:

I'm a Pisces. This works for me, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cool, so I don't cleanse, but in a sense of like how you work, it's like a personal thing. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Some people can't sit there and meditate. To connect it's like some people need to relax other ways, and it's whether it's putting, like some I don't know, hardcore rap on or something I don't know, like it's all, you listen to classical music or you need to go for a walk.

Speaker 1:

It's individual it is.

Speaker 3:

It is so, however, you feel like it gets the energy out and you connect closer to your true self is like that's how you would work, do you know? What I mean.

Speaker 1:

So what you did, Well, we're going to get down to the nitty gritty, because Chris is going to jump out of her skin in a minute, but also, paige has kindly agreed as well that she's going to do us a little reading. Yeah, yes, so we're going to allow you to go into your thing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right so maybe explain, because people can't. Also, if they're not watching the video, they might not be able to see what's happening. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So today's reading we're going to do, I guess, like an intuitive psychic reading. So, again, like I'd explained before, it's connecting to the energy, that's around connecting towards, in the energy. Readings can be done with so many different like ways, modalities, tools. We're going to use cards today so it gives us like a visual as well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But they can be done sort of just literally starting to talk and connect through. I spoke about the flower readings as well which like you can connect to the sort of energetics of the flower. There's lots of ways you can do it, but today we're going to do it with the angel card reading. So it's like an oracle reading, it's giving guidance, and then I can expand on that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So we'll start, and obviously with the two of you. Are you happy for me to do like a joint, or what do we want to do?

Speaker 1:

Whatever, feels right to you, whatever feels right.

Speaker 2:

If it feels like one needs to be told something more than whatever you're getting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think I'm going to just put it out for like a joint thing, and then we're going to just connect to the messages that come through. So, yes, these are my cards. I've had these since.

Speaker 1:

Give us that ASMR. Yeah, let's do the ASMR I love you so much. Paige is currently clicking the cards as we speak and she's going to energetically and intuitively read for us today.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you need to do sexy voiceovers.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, maybe you can do my videos of my readings, okay. So Oracle cards, angel cards, gives, gives guidance, and then I can expand on them. This deck I'm using is one of my special ones. My mom gave it to me when I was about 12 years old and she um left a little message in there and she said your angels and guides always with you. So I've had these.

Speaker 3:

I've had these for so long and it's one of my strongest decks that I connect with, yeah, um, so hence why I brought these. But anyway, we're gonna do a reading, so we do a lay like a spread of the cards, um, and I feel like we're going to do what we need to know at this moment okay, we can expand on that.

Speaker 3:

So it's a forecast spread. It's like the theme of what we need to know. There's the block, anything that's sort of stopping us from moving forward, stepping into our next sort of part of the journey, and then what to expect after we move through the block, and then the outcome yeah, or how we move through the block, and then the outcome Cool, so let's do it, and then we'll just sort of go off of that.

Speaker 2:

We're definitely wanting, like when we I spoke to Rose about getting you on, we're like, yes, this is happening but then we're like we also want to do have a shuffle.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna get you both yeah we're like. We also want to get a medium yeah, so I reached out to a few so I can chat. That's exciting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I actually have someone in mind that I absolutely love. She's also a no bullshit. Yeah, she has a a no bullshit. Yeah, she has a huge no bullshit approach to spirituality, and I absolutely love her. Her name's Jess.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep Cool. I was going to ask her to come on, but she's not in the state, hey.

Speaker 1:

She's not in the state.

Speaker 3:

Okay, have a little shuffle. Just chuck your energy in there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, look at that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that was awkward for me to shuffle they, they're big cards. They're big.

Speaker 3:

They're like yeah, they're big cards.

Speaker 1:

But Paige is also going to do a little message at the end for everybody, Whenever you guys read this, whenever you guys listen to this, because we were just asking about that before. How does that work?

Speaker 3:

Timing. So, spirit World, there's no timing on anything. There's no, you know, at the time of hearing. It is when you need to hear it. So whether you've listened to it, you know the week it comes out or six months later. It's when your guides. Bring it to you to hear it. So yeah we can do some little readings, all right. So Okay, let's do this. Oh, we've gone silent.

Speaker 1:

I'm just laying the cards out. She's laying the cards out and we've all gone. Oh, what does that mean?

Speaker 3:

Okay, All right, the cards out and we've all gone. Oh, what does that mean? Okay, all right. So once I lay, I'm just gonna, because it's gonna be silent for a little while yep okay, this is not okay. This is definitely not work related. Um, and I thought, coming here today, a lot will come up around that. You know, sort of, both of us are working at the moment. Yes, I thought it would be about. Yeah, this is very personal, okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm scared, don't make me cry.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I love, we love going deep. I know we can't, we've gone silent for the first time.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm trying not to All right.

Speaker 1:

Paige is just looking at the cards right now and obviously just connecting with what she feels they mean, and we're obviously just sitting here very anxious and excited um to hear all about it.

Speaker 3:

She's connecting um in her own way. I'm calming my energy right now because I feel really um anxious and I'm picking up. That's not me, so that's yeah, that's um like nerves. I'm just calming myself to just disconnect from that.

Speaker 1:

Let's do some breathing yes, I think we need to do some breathing. Anyone else that's listening, like, just take a second for yourself. I find this really hard I know Crystal finds this really hard that we don't take a second to just breathe, like, have you ever thought about the fact that you actually hold your breath? So I do it a lot, like even now, I haven't breathed out, I haven't breathed out, I haven't breathed out properly. When I get excited or nervous, or when I'm in a situation where I am well, yeah, like I'm sitting here right now, I forget to breathe. So if you're sitting in the car or wherever you're listening to us, just take a few seconds to breathe.

Speaker 3:

Take some breath. Calm the nervous system.

Speaker 1:

Calm yourself down. This is time for you listening to the podcast, probably bloody, doing some mum life chore, or maybe you're at work and you know you're listening to us in the background, or whatever it is. Just take a second to remember that you know you're worthy and that you have everything you need inside of you and that you deserve to take time for yourself. So that includes breathing, Rose ASMR.

Speaker 3:

Breaking it up. I think Paige is ready. Are we happy to share sort of everything that comes through?

Speaker 1:

100%, 100%. We are bearing it all and we don't want to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay, I said this wasn't a mediumship reading and there's there is, there is an energy around, so I feel, do you want me to explain how I'm?

Speaker 1:

yes, yes, please.

Speaker 3:

This is what's so interesting so when I connect and this probably look the the intention I say is bring what through, like, bring through what needs to be brought through. So, even though we spoke about psychics, so we've got the four cards and, as you're speaking, this is like just a confirmation that what you guys are doing we all have like a laugh on this and whatnot but there's so much deeper we're coming back to work now, so there's so much deeper to what you're trying to offer with the, with this, with the podcast you know what I mean it's?

Speaker 3:

it's like what we spoke about before. It's giving people a place to um, connect and and relate, and exactly how you just explained, and it's like little snippets of reminding them that they have it all within themselves. And this card says you are a light worker. God needs you to shine your divine light and love like an angel upon the earth and all of its inhabitants. So it's just a reminder that, like for me, this came up last week for you.

Speaker 2:

You were with friends and they were kind of asking questions around the podcast and you were trying to explain it, you know. So that kind of puts it into fruition, really, like we are doing the right thing here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and there's. You know, under all the, the shit talking and the and the, the laughing and and the joking and whatnot. All of that aside, there's a deeper meaning to this yes, there definitely is yeah and it's um, you know you're on the right path.

Speaker 3:

It's, it's here. I am saying it's not about work, so it's going. Yeah, yeah, we're high fiving guys, um, you're on the right path. So, but this also trickles out then into your everyday life. So I'm not talking just this podcast, I'm talking like family members, staff members, anyone you sort of come into contact with. You're providing a light for them. Do you know what I mean? Giving them guidance, whether you actively are trying to or not, it's. It's the energy around you is, yeah, it's, it's needed for others and you're giving them like a calm, a safe space with your energy. So that's anyone around you and it's what I'm getting picking up is trickling into. I've said it's not about work, it's, it's okay. So it's trickling into family members. But I'm getting like your teams around you are like your family members and you treat them that way as well, and it's yeah, that's for you, that's for me, that's for Crystal that bit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay, if you're connecting to the business side, you're the personal side, so the next card is it's. This is a block. Okay, children, your children on earth and in heaven are happy and well created for by God and the angels, so cared for Children on, we can chat. Use chat as well.

Speaker 2:

I know Okay this card that gave me goosebumps.

Speaker 1:

The card that are you reading the opal.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm just going to hold that. Is that okay to hold the card?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So the card that she's reading is it says your children on earth and in heaven are happy and well cared for by God and the angels.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so finding a balance between sharing. Your kids are going to be your teachers for how you share with the rest. You've had kids.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

That's important to bring up as well, that Paige actually doesn't know us.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I will.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't know me anyway.

Speaker 3:

Disclaimer Crystal, I knew, knew we just discussed it was from we realized that you have known me for a while on. Yes, yeah, from the grazing board, but then sort of disconnected so from a business page, so from carnival creation, that's it, yeah, and that was light years ago, so like this is yes, doesn't know me, though.

Speaker 1:

No, okay. So children, so your?

Speaker 3:

children are going to I I'm just kidding, okay, so they're guiding you to share the lie that you need to share with others. So whether it's like not sharing the same love, but it's the safety you provide for your own children is how other people perceive this energy of yours. And this is where this light work comes in of, like that's what you're giving to so many people around you, and I don't think you realize you know what your the love that your children show for you. It's. It's honestly how other people feel safe around you, and this work that you're doing is is providing that for people and I don't think you realize, like, how deep it is and and the safe space and and whether it's this, the podcast, or you know, it's more than that. It's more than the podcast. So it's just a reminder to keep going and this is the.

Speaker 3:

So this card shows, like where there's a little bit of a blockage and I think the blockage is there's nothing that's going wrong that's blocking you. It's just you connecting to your gut and listening and remembering like your own. We spoke about this. I've got to go now. No, rose doesn't. Well, no, I wouldn't say doesn't? It took her a long time to start listening to her gut instincts.

Speaker 3:

And it's just a reminder that, yeah, the work you're doing is providing so much more for people.

Speaker 2:

This makes me so emotional? Yeah, because last week I had a really hard week and, like, rose was like the first person that I wanted to like reach out to, even though I knew what I was going to tell her was going to like probably break her. Yeah, I felt safe like telling her stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, oh, and this is and this is. You know, with these readings it's like confirmation and it is, it's it's a lot I'm gonna. I can't hug you from here, but yeah it's um, you're providing that, and this is what I mean. Like your children on earth. It's not like you, and this is what I'm saying with spirit, it's. It's not the physical. We think of children as like the physical but it's that energy around children?

Speaker 3:

yes, then having your own children yes but I I'm thinking they're the the light of, like how you share a connection with them. I'm not saying that gets shared with everyone, because that's such a personal thing. It's very different but in a sense of like soul connections, of like how people feel safe around you yeah you're giving that out as, as you know, like they look up to you, like that energy, so yeah you're on the right track and I just think there's a huge expansion for you when you start to really realize the work that you're.

Speaker 3:

What you're doing is providing this space for someone and it's just gonna um, I don't know what's gonna to take off.

Speaker 1:

Take me to New York. New York, New York.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so that's the, that's the and that's the energy around. That it's like I wouldn't say anything's wrong, like a blockage, but that definitely, that definitely, probably is.

Speaker 1:

That definitely, probably is my blockage, that sometimes I I can doubt myself, I doubt my, my gut and I doubt my purpose in the world. I search for this, this purpose, and I always want to help people. That makes me happy people. Oh, I can't, you know, helping other people, you got to help yourself. I. I am helping myself by helping, by feeling yeah, by doing, by serving, like yeah, yeah giving and as long as you're giving back to yourself and that's that's.

Speaker 3:

You know, I've people are here for this, but in the sense of that and I truly had this fucking thought the other day so this is obviously what it's supposed to come up for purpose I would.

Speaker 3:

For me, this is how I view purpose. I don't have that in my vocabulary. It took me a long time because I was searching, searching, searching and not like searching for the next thing, but like once it's done, I'm, I'm. You know it's sort of moving on to the next and you don't want to be stuck on this like purpose of what's my one strong thing that I'm here for, you know and what like and if.

Speaker 3:

I don't succeed that like have I. Am I not meeting my purpose or not? And I don't believe in the sense of how majority of it view a purpose. You know we're here for a purpose and we are. We're here for so many purposes.

Speaker 2:

I love that we're here.

Speaker 1:

We were meant to hear this yes, yeah, and I think other people are meant to hear this, because this is what I love to do and I know Crystal feels the same, but I love that we're not here just for one purpose and if you don't, and what you think is your purpose?

Speaker 3:

so many people, if they don't succeed, that they're down on themselves yeah, and I'm not just talking like a bad day, like it gets heavy you know and and because we come here thinking that's our main thing is to have a purpose in life.

Speaker 3:

And you know my purpose. I'm a mom, I'm a wife, I'm a generally like a friend to people. I'm I'm here for you know so many different things and it took me a little while to understand that there's not like. I look at some people and they just they're doing one thing and they're so solid in it. And I always thought like what's my purpose?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

What's my real like? Strong, but I'm telling you, like these people, probably at the age of 50, I can swap and change and do something else and it's like, oh my God, what I just do that for the last 30 years. They served a purpose in that time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

We're moving on to the next. We're not stuck in one sort of reality.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a really important message for everybody.

Speaker 3:

And maybe this is where the scattered energy is coming from in here that this is probably for everyone to hear like a collective message If you're not on a path or you're not fulfilling your purpose right now. I do this in quotations for you that are listening. There's so many different purposes out there and sometimes even like the heavy shit that we're going through and we're not succeeding, as people would sort of put it out there that you know what success is. That's a purpose as well, like you know, for someone looking in.

Speaker 3:

it helps them through certain times. So it's just we got a bit off track of this car, but I think it obviously needed to come out.

Speaker 1:

That was definitely a message for all. Give me more yes, moving on to the next card.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so this is what. So the next card I'm pulling is like what step to take to shift the blockage and I feel like this is going to be for both of you. So this was. You felt like this was specifically for you. So it's, if I'm doing a reading, I would give you an activity to do right now.

Speaker 3:

So like, as in like to take from a reading, and it's just a visualisation process. So what do you desire right now? Visualise it and it will come about. Negativity will block your progress. So for you, the like self-doubting, it's stepping into that. What can you do to start really strengthening your connection to your intuition, listening to that, things like that? So we're your. I think yours would be more like trusting. Trusting and, like we said, that exercise where you sort of just follow the, the hunches for the day, yep um the yes day, yeah, yeah crystal.

Speaker 3:

I'm for those listening. I'm just shifting energy and connect. Are you a very tangible person, like needing to see it in the physical? Not needing to see it in the physical, but to believe. But you're a very like visual Collective is not the word.

Speaker 1:

She's a doer Like, yeah, like a come to life.

Speaker 3:

You know, visualise it and it comes about sort of thing.

Speaker 2:

I manifest the fuck out of shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and really bring it into the physical, yeah, plane. That would be her. I feel like, look, this is just bringing up, this is just bringing up your strengths at the moment, and I guess this is then saying like on the right path is you can do it all, like you can do it all, and this I'm talking about the physical. So like in the physical reality, and have you had I'm getting I'm getting confusion and I'm not in the physical reality and have you had I'm getting I'm getting confusion and I'm not in the sense of like you feel confused, like consciously, day to day. But this is a connection of I don't want to say loss, it's not lost. You know, you know the path because your physical, like your, you bring it into a physical reality.

Speaker 3:

So you you know you're on the right path in that sense, but there's's a I feel a confusion and it's not anything in related to like you're pretty solid in your physical reality. It's like a connection to self, and I'm not saying like self-worth or it's so interesting.

Speaker 1:

It's so interesting to to watch your reaction as well.

Speaker 2:

I already know what you're going to say, what I know, what she's saying I feel it too, but I don't want to say anything.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I feel it.

Speaker 3:

I just feel, I feel it's nothing to do with your work and you're like I feel a confusion. Is it more? Do you feel like not guilty, but like a, like a? How do I explain this? Let me find my words.

Speaker 2:

I feel that word guilt runs through my blood every day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's more. Okay, so this is I'm just gonna say, and it might not make sense there's more. All these physical things are manifesting and it's fucking awesome and you're so solid in that, but there's so much like thinking of them as like floating boxes right in the ocean and the ocean is like the space in between and it's just sort of like flowing and going and and pushing like these.

Speaker 3:

These physical things are here and they're tangent. You can feel them, you can see them and you know you're successful in that. But there's a shit in between doing all of this that just feels lost, confusion lost like I'm I'm imagining I'm out at sea, I'm getting goosebumps, so, um, I'm I. So for everyone, I'm just covered in goosebumps, but I'm fucking hot, she is actually she's yeah, I'm going to make even noises.

Speaker 1:

I'm undressing guys.

Speaker 3:

It's all right and you can see my like let's just host this for my kids. There's so many tangent things, but there's a bit of confusion and feeling lost in between it. All. Okay, this car don't need it to start this message. So, lost in between at all. Okay, this car not needed to start this message.

Speaker 3:

So it's the work in between, all the shit that you're, the tangible things that you're doing, that needs a bit more care. And I'm not saying like self-care, like go meditate or go do this. It's like I don't even want to say like it's like deep shit. It's like an acceptance. This I'm just getting.

Speaker 3:

I'm I'm seeing the ocean and that's literally like these boxes just floating in the ocean, deep, deep ocean, like we're out deep at sea and the ocean in between is like flowing and you can see like there's no waves or anything. It's not fucking hectic and storming, but it's just we're out there and we can't see anything around it other than these boxes. So the message from this like your tangible things are good, but we're feeling a bit lost in between them. So it's like when you're in these tangible things, we're feeling a bit lost in between them. So it's like when you're in these tangible things. We're good, you're good, you're solid. It's the space in between and it's going to be connecting to that space in between of where your focus needs to shift and that's probably your block is not tending to this vast openness of just getting like, yeah, it's yeah, I'm like yep Crystal, you've got to explain that.

Speaker 2:

I've just had a really rough two years, pretty much, and the guilt for me at the moment is like I lost my dad two years ago to suicide and I'm like in a I've had a shitty week but I feel like I'm in a happy place, yeah. And then I get the guilt of like I'm happy, but I'm sad he's not here and I fight that like in my head every day of like I almost hate myself for being happy. I almost hate myself for being happy because I'm actually very sad that he's not here.

Speaker 3:

But then some days I'm like fuck it, I'm just gonna do everything so that he could be like so proud of me but then I'm still sad about it, and I mean death in itself is is hard to grieve and move through, and then adding how, how it came about, um and suicide is just on another level of, and not to take away with other things you know like of other ways that death comes about. But yeah, it's answering those questions and things that come up.

Speaker 2:

The weird thing is I'm like I'm not in that stage anymore where, like I question the why's or anything like that. I'm way in that stage anymore where, like I question the why's or anything like that. I'm way beyond that now. It's just I still feel kind of like lost without him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's okay so.

Speaker 2:

And the ocean thing is crazy, because he was like the ocean and he used to talk about if he was going to die, he was going to drown in the ocean. Okay, there's a lot of like connection to ocean.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's so, that's what I was seeing, and it's that, like I said, there's no storms, there's no and it's. I feel like that for you, that connection is there. Then the ocean and that connection to dad, the physical, do you feel like I feel like in the physical things you manifest when you're in it and amongst it it's like on top of the world whatnot, and? It's that, like I said that in between, that's that, that confusion and.

Speaker 3:

I guess you explaining it's like feeling guilty for not for having those things but like doing it and then then what you know like yes all the, the emotions in between the physicals you know, like the physical, the physicals are not the issue here, but I also feel lost in my home life sometimes. The in-betweens yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like the home life. I feel lost as a wife sometimes, but when I'm at work, I know what I'm doing. I feel like I know what I want in life. I'm going to do this. I just keep telling myself over and over again like what you said doing I feel like I know what I want in life. I'm going to do this. I just keep telling myself over and over again, like what you said before I got this and I keep thinking like what is the worst that can happen to me, like that's kind of how I've been living day to day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's. I guess that you can do it all and you can. It's just allowing it and I'm not even. I hate saying what feels good for you, because we don't want to just base like living life off vibes, Do you?

Speaker 1:

know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Like it's. There's a lot of shit we do have to work through and do have to sort of understand, and some things we don't have to dive deep into. But it's yeah, it's finding that it's all the in between.

Speaker 2:

But even last week I felt like I was drowning, so that's also another.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's honestly like that was.

Speaker 2:

My first thing was just like deep sea out in the ocean, like it's um, yeah, yeah, let's get through to, yeah, let's, let's, yes, moving on.

Speaker 3:

I really could, and I'm trying to refine the direct messages that come through, and usually so in a reading like my goal is not to leave you in in tears, or or you know these messages and sometimes they they make sense, sometimes they don't make sense. It's it's like connecting to, sort of, and I just allow to come out what needs to come out. But it's always then, you know myself, guide spirit want you to finish on a, and that's why I said that feel good moment you know what I mean and it's not to like give you, lull you into la la land, like this is all these fancy things are happening and this is what's gonna.

Speaker 3:

It's just to know that it's like. This is obviously the message that needed to come up, but lifting the energy and your vibration and and the the feel good moment up, you know leaving you on a positive, yeah um so moving forward, like that card is what to do, what to do to step through the block.

Speaker 3:

And I think for you, crystal is like not some, I don't want to say focus on the in-between, where it completely takes over, like all of the positive things you're manifesting in life, but it's like it needs a little bit of attention. Not work, no, not work.

Speaker 3:

Attention, okay, no, like, and um, like don't ignore it, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, and it will take time, but it's so like you're going to get to a time where you can sit through it and sit in it and be okay with sitting in it. And be okay doesn't mean like happy and this is easy, and you'll probably cry, you'll probably, you know, like scream and shout or whatever, however you express this coming through, but it's just being okay to sit in it um and it's all that in between the physicals.

Speaker 3:

So it's like when you slow down or when you come home or when you you know, it's the slow moments that you wobble in a little bit yeah, um, yeah so moving forward.

Speaker 3:

this is like the outcome schooling, study and education help your life's purpose and here we are life's purpose, life's purpose and personal growth. At this time, the angels will guide you and help you with this process. So, yes, share this. So this card whether it's like physically actively studying at a day for uni or whatever do you know what I mean?

Speaker 3:

Or whether it's like learning new ways for yourself, and this is like learning how to sit with things that you don't usually sit with, and the outcome is you're going to step into a space of learning, that learning how to sit in those quiet moments and feel them, and I think this will and that, like this, is gonna help with personal growth. So not like personal growth as in like businesses and things like that, like deep personal yourself, um, personal growth and sitting within those moments and understanding those moments um, that's where you're going to start learning, to step into, and it's going to be a huge shift for you, august. It's going to be a huge shift for you to understand that and take that time for yourself. That's, yeah, that's your learning, that's your learning moment from this card in particular schooling, study and education.

Speaker 1:

Why did you say August? I said that too. I was like what's the August?

Speaker 3:

Sometimes I just talk shit as I'm saying so August is it? Well, I don't want to ask. I don't want to ask August there is a connection to August, because it just popped in my head and whether that's it's not, I feel like I'm like you know something? Hang on, no, no, no, let's. Let me connect August. Personal growth, growth there's. So this is in relation to, this is in relation to you. The august, um, I'm gonna say it's like a connection to a connection to the in between. So I don't want to say like that's when you start or that's when you. It's something that's already about it. But I'm not connecting to anything more than that at the moment I'm doing an apprenticeship and it starts in July, August.

Speaker 3:

So the actual physical studying starting in August.

Speaker 1:

There you go.

Speaker 3:

So that's the yeah, that was when.

Speaker 1:

I said this is related to you. We're like what is it? But then it was like schooling and all of that and I was like, as soon as you said learning.

Speaker 2:

I was like yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's cool, that's exciting, I know.

Speaker 3:

Look at us being all like we're not saying anything and you know what I don't, and that's the thing. Like I um, unless I, I really don't physically ask things, because I just allow to come through, unless there's like to be honest my readings, I don't ever ask stuff.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to um but I think that's where the skeptic in everybody comes out.

Speaker 3:

They're like you tell me, bitch, uh, you tell me and sometimes I still go into things and I'm like closed off and I'm like like yeah, you're like I want to know what it is, yeah no, and that's what I don't like. I didn't want you to say anything, but I wasn't connecting to anything more. But I definitely it was, definitely I went out.

Speaker 3:

So, for people that are listening, I was pointing to crystals yes, related to you um, and the schooling, the study, and I think then this is like the actual physical. You're going to study, but it will be. There's so much more than just this study. Yeah, do you know what. I mean like, and maybe this is the study that starts to open up your connection to yourself, and it might not even be any relation to, like self-development or anything like that but maybe doing this thing will start to connect you.

Speaker 3:

Something will come up and it will start to connect you to like little moments of that in between that allow it to come out and you'll be okay with that coming out Sounds good to me. Yeah, that was more connected. Yeah, that was more connected to you. I feel like we had a balance of like.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, we did.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so there, oh look.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we've separated. Separated the cards. It felt like two cards were for me and two cards were for Crystal. We're going to end on the last one here. Is this what's this one here?

Speaker 3:

What does the last card mean on that side bit? So the four cards are the normal spread. I always pull out a card from underneath the deck and I usually interpret that as like an overall for everything we spoke about and just like an overall theme of then what's come out, and this card is I am the angel of families. A happy changer edition is coming to your family.

Speaker 1:

I bloody hope not. I think you're safe. I'm joking, Joking guys, because Ares has got four kids and she can't have any more. I'm joking.

Speaker 3:

Look, and this is no direct message, I like to just bring this out as like a confirmation, and it's just. We spoke of family life. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, like a happy change. You know whether it's like a confirmation, and it's just. Um, we spoke of family life. Do you know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean like a happy change.

Speaker 3:

You know whether it's like a complete change or just like a happy energy coming into what has been, or do you know? I mean so it's and for you, you know, with, with the family, with the kids, um, it's just a positive card. That it's. I feel like it's just going to start within the family unit. Yep, um, for both sides. Do you know what I mean? Like it's just. This is no direct message, it's just moving forward. There is a, there is a shift that's coming, not not a shift, but there is, um, you'll feel the energy change you're going to feel it soon.

Speaker 3:

Do you know what I mean? Like you're going to feel it. It's going to be a shift within the home first, within the family first, and whether you have kids or not, or um, it's, it's that family unit and your family unit and I'm talking like I don't know on both sides, like what, what family? But whether it's, um, for people listening, do you know what your family could be? Your neighbor, do you?

Speaker 1:

know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Like, like it's that close unit. I like to view families as that close unit. There's a raising vibration in it and you'll feel that shift. So that's sort of the overall of like this process, of like feeling into it, stepping into new things, this new opportunity opening up like more of an outlet for you to explore your internal, the in-betweens you know, and it brings this positive raising vibration starting within our own family unit. Love, that yeah.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for reading that. I know that like it's a process, and even watching you it's quite interesting, like we love that. But like, thank you doing this with us as well, and it's a process and even watching you it's quite interesting. We love that, but like, thank you doing this with us as well and it's really interesting.

Speaker 3:

And you never know what's going to come out. So I try to disconnect from what I think the reading's going to be. You know, seeing you girls, when I first looked at the Bearing it All podcast and the energy from like the three little clips that were clips that were up, and you know I thought it was going to be a very um, work-based and and even though we spoke about work and very like you know like fun and it just changes course really quick you know, it does um because there's more to us than just that stuff.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly right. So I think we are quite deep, but I think we have a lot of energy. Oh yeah, and it's really hard to convey that Like I don't think I could put up a photo of us being all soft and you know woo-woo when we are, and we definitely have that side, but I think a lot of our energy, as friends as well, is quite energetic and fun and high vibes and motivating each other. So this leads me because we've got to wrap this up Like let's do if you're still with us. Thank you, guys. We are going to do a reading, a little message for whoever is listening out there. This is going to be a message for you to take with you Whenever you're listening to this. This is the timing. This is going to be directly to who's listening today.

Speaker 3:

All right, let's just do so. I usually share just the message on the cards and I feel like that's enough. If there's anything that comes through, I can expand on it. And obviously like connecting to one-on-ones. You get more in-depth, personal. But let's just read the cards.

Speaker 1:

Let's do it.

Speaker 3:

message of the day, so to speak yeah, are we gonna do a couple for people?

Speaker 1:

yeah, let's do a couple. All right, guys, we've got a couple minutes left and page is going to do a couple little messages for you guys, and then we will pop up all her details in the show notes so that you can connect with her directly and she can maybe do a reading for you in the future yes, yes, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So these literally just flew out the deck while we were chatting.

Speaker 2:

They did. They're the ones I watched you taste them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so we've just gone with three. So the first card I am the angel of marriage and I am assisting you right now. This and, like we said before, timing-wise, whether you hear this the week it comes out or six months down the track, this is for you and just know, you can speak to your. This is where the cuckoo comes in. You can you, you can speak with yourself and your guides will be listening, spirit will be listening. So, whether it's like you're talking to yourself, so if there's any time that you need or you feel like you need someone to talk, to start with yourself, like I walk around talking to myself all the time. So if there's any questions you have, voice it.

Speaker 3:

Voice it to yourself you guys, ask yourself the question so I'm saying, like, with this card, I'm the angel of marriage and I'm assisting you right now. If there's any assistance or anything you need answers on, talk about it. Talk about it to yourself. You know, and and I okay. So this is okay. This is going to be an extra message. Is that all?

Speaker 3:

right, yeah, yeah yeah, no, that's fine. I feel like with marriages. People are scared to voice it out to friends because they um, we're throwing our bodies around india. Oh my god. Yes, they are. Let's focus on this card, all right. People are scared to voice it to friends because they don't want to be judged.

Speaker 1:

They don't I just got goosebumps.

Speaker 3:

Guys, I'm full of, I'm like covered and this is oh yeah, you are, it's, it's so. This is where you can utilize guides, angels, the spirit, the spirit world, your own gut feelings, you know, connecting to yourself, because not always can we go to someone and say, oh my God, this just fucking happened, like, yeah, we can voice it, but sometimes people are embarrassed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You know there's a connection they want to. You know a visual they want to uphold about their relationship, or whether they're scared to, or whether they're worried that it's going to get out in the park. You know like it's just oh my god so use spirit and guides to to voice yourself, and it does feel like you're fucking crazy when you're talking to yourself, but it really does help.

Speaker 1:

Like I work around, walk around now and I just say shit and no one even asks who I'm talking to now, because they just know when it's like me chatting to my guides or when I'm like directly screaming at one of the kids talking to one of the kids, you know the reason I got so excited I think, crystal, you understand why is because, especially since we started the podcast, we do a lot of polls, we do a lot of questions and more than oh, I would say, 90% of the questions are based around relationships, marriage troubles within, that feeling embarrassed, ashamed, around.

Speaker 1:

You know their sex life, their relationship status, how they're feeling within, yeah, how they're feeling within their marriage and not being able and this has come up so much you know that how they don't want to necessarily speak these things out to their friends or their family because they don't. Their fear of judgment, yeah, and also the fact that they don't want their partner or their marriage or their relationship status viewed differently once they've had that conversation. Yeah, and so I think this is also why, you know, we love chatting about this stuff, because it's an open forum, it's a safe space, and I think everybody goes through shit like this in life, in their marriages, in their relationships, and we don't talk about it enough, and so, therefore, people just don't feel like it's normal and it happens every fucking day, and it is.

Speaker 3:

It's that judgment that comes after. Like you know, if you sort it out, old mate over here still knows what went on two months ago. Yeah, that's right. So this is where this work and and this look. Um, obviously we're just like professionals and whatnot, if you need them, but in the sense of like bringing spirituality into your day-to-day life, this is a reminder that, like you can turn to spirit guide, spirit team yourself. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 3:

like yeah and what I would do. So we're just going to focus on this one card. Yeah, okay, so what I would do is, like how to start it? Voice the problem, voice what's going on, voice it within yourself yeah, yeah to yourself.

Speaker 3:

So like if you're sitting in the car, stressed out something like you've just pulled up to your next appointment or something, voice it and let it out and um, it's, it's and it's called name, and taming it.

Speaker 3:

So it's like voicing it and it sort of allows your nervous system to calm about it and then you can sort of think in a little bit of clarity and it might not be like complete clarity and get an answer straight away, but it's like you're voicing it, you're acknowledging it, and the more we sort of allow that and actually get out what's on our, you know, like inside or on our chest, and we can voice it, it'll start to and then set the intention that bring me not a solution, but what next? Do you know what I mean? Where do I go from here? And little things. You might not hear an answer or you might not, but little things will happen and they'll fall into place that, like you meet this person that can you know, start to chat about this, or do you know what I mean? Like it opens up doors. So just voicing it will open up doors to sort of take those next steps. And that's how we can use spirituality in our day-to-day life yeah, and I think that's really, it's really powerful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think once you, it's almost like once you say something out loud, it becomes the reality and you're not hiding it from yourself anymore, that you can work on it. Is that what we're? That's how I'm reading this, and then you can go. You know, once you like, have you ever just said something out loud to yourself and you go oh my God it's actually not that bad. Well, when you yeah, Sometimes it's not that or sometimes it is, and you're like, that fucking does sound terrible.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or it's terrible, or it's like you've said it out loud and it's like fuck, okay. Well then, this is like I've never said it out loud, but this is now what I need to do. Yeah, yeah, this is real and it's not to say it out loud and manifest it. Yeah, it's to.

Speaker 1:

Maybe admit it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, admit it and take the next steps forward. You know, and it's, yeah, it's, I utilise it. I do utilise it, but specifically yeah, this has come up then for marriage. So for those that are wanting to, you know, not knowing where to go, we can start with this that is so good.

Speaker 2:

We better start wrapping things up, because we could talk to you all day long.

Speaker 3:

I could talk all day.

Speaker 1:

I know this was such a fun episode as well. It was like just a different. We got to learn a little bit more about spirituality, but also learn a little bit about ourselves and also what it all is Like what, what it is, what it is, what's a psychic, what's a medium, what's a like a, what's the card reading all about and about you, which has been really fun. So we have to thank you and we're going to wrap this one up for today, but thank you so much everybody for listening. Um, if you want to find more about Paige, you can find her. Where can we find you best?

Speaker 3:

um on insta.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, realm intuitive we will put everything in the show notes, um and, but until the next episode, please remember to take care of yourselves and take care of each other. See ya, bye.

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