Baring it All with Rose and Chrystal

Confession Booth

Rose and Chrystal Season 1 Episode 3

Let's Chat! send us a message, question or a confession to unpack!

Have you ever fumbled a secret text to the wrong recipient or wrestled with your morals around baby-naming etiquette? Prepare for laughs and relatable moments as Rose and Chrystal bare it all in the Bearing It All Confessional Booth. We're peeling back the curtain on your (and our) hilariously human slip-ups, honest thoughts, and embarrassing moments.  Slide into our confessional, where your secrets transform into shared stories of laughter, empathy, and the occasional face-palm moment. 
No topic is too taboo, and no confession is too cringeworthy. So, if you're looking for a space to celebrate the quirks and quandaries of life without judgment, you're in the right place.

This week's confessional is a light-hearted episode in which you share your little secrets, moral dilemmas, worries, and the relief of getting some things off your chest! We unpack your confessions with open minds, a few laughs, and a reminder that you aren't alone and you (probably) aren't going to hell for them, haha! Remember, it's just us this time—no guests, just a duo of mates eager to listen and laugh with you. Tune in for an episode that promises to be as cathartic as it is entertaining!

Have a confession?
A question you want to ask anonymously and unpacked without judgment? 
Send us a message to be featured on the next Confessional Booth episode!

Connect with Rose and Chrystal on Instagram for more stories and fun mini-weekly catch-ups.
DM the girls, get involved with the conversations, and feel free to ask questions!
Rose Oates
Chrystal Russell

And don’t forget to take care of yourself and each other -

With Love Rose & Chrystal x

Rose Oates:

Welcome to Bearing it All with Rose and Crystal.

Chrystal :

Whether conversations get real, emotions run raw and nothing is filtered.

Rose Oates:

Buckle up because we're bearing it all deep, diving into everything from motherhood to mental health and everything in between. We want to get to know you, each other and our bodies, and things are going to get spicy, real spicy.

Chrystal :

Are you ready for it? Let's do it. These are my confessions.

Rose Oates:

Welcome to the Bearing it All Confessional Booth.

Chrystal :

This is where we ask you to confess your sins, my child.

Rose Oates:

We all have those things that weigh down on our soul, things that we just want to get off our chest, things that we've done wrong. Right the truths.

Chrystal :

That you're too afraid to confess. So here's your chance. We've done a confessional post and we've got some good ones, mate, like let's talk about it.

Rose Oates:

These are from you guys, so we're going to share some of your confessions and that you. She's laughing.

Chrystal :

I can't look, take Rose seriously. Rose, now Rose. Now, she is dressed like a nun in a white bra.

Rose Oates:

Oi, I'm sorry. I love the, you know.

Chrystal :

She's dressed in the part.

Rose Oates:

I'm dressed in the part because I want you to feel comfortable to share your sins, because this is a padded room. No one outside this room can hear anything and they don't know it's you. This is anonymous, so I'm going to start with the first one. Okay, these, let's start. Should we start soft?

Chrystal :

Oh, go for it.

Rose Oates:

Okay, oh, all right, this is cheeky, but I like it. I threw out my husband's favorite shirt. It's so fuggly, but it had to go and he's been looking for it ever since. I would do that, yeah, I would do.

Chrystal :

I haven't done it, oh would you, I would hide it, otherwise Put it in attic.

Rose Oates:

No, craig has the Hawaiian shirt that he loves, and he also has a shirt that says rehab is for quitters. Oh, and he wore it, so I just can't. Anyway love that for you, don't worry about it. No, it's safe, your secret safe with us. I, oh, I'm pregnant Love that. Sometimes it's a huge celebration. And we've also got finally pregnant after seven years. It's still early, but she's never seen a positive result come up.

Chrystal :

Oh, that's so nice. Congratulations, congratulations.

Rose Oates:

All right, I'm into girls and I want to ask a girl out for the first time, but I don't know if she's going to be okay with it.

Chrystal :

This is where do the damn thing. If she's not into you, move on.

Rose Oates:

You know what. It's not going to be offensive to her If you ask her out and you say, hey, I've been interested in you, like good on Like. How can you dislike someone for thinking you're attractive and then you want to go out with them? It's actually a compliment.

Chrystal :

It is a compliment, Do it girl.

Rose Oates:

Take the plunge. Oh, and she doesn't want to talk about it with her friends because she doesn't know if she feels normal. But I think we answered that. Yeah, all right. Next one oh, I'm really lonely right now. I've just had my first baby and I still have friends, but everything's changed.

Chrystal :

That's motherhood.

Rose Oates:


Chrystal :

And if your friends don't have kids, sometimes you need to go and find that mum group because you might have similarities that you can talk about, because sometimes your friends that don't have kids don't want to listen about the baby stories.

Rose Oates:

That's right and that's okay. They might be at a different spot in your life and I think we have all experienced that loneliness at some stage in our motherhood journey. But sometimes things do change.

Chrystal :

And it's okay to find new friends, though.

Rose Oates:

It is. It doesn't mean you're going to lose your old friends. It just means things are going to. Your friendship might change and evolve. Okay, I rarely wear underwear. I rarely wear underwear. I don't find it comfortable.

Chrystal :

Me too, babe.

Rose Oates:

I hate clothes. I really do Like I'm not a nudist, but I think my best when I've got less on you do you get suffocated by clothing? I'm suffocated Right now.

Chrystal :

I feel so free, all right, but nobody wants to wear a G-Banger that's flossing your front and your back.

Rose Oates:

Oh look, wear what's comfy, baby. If you don't wear underwear, that's fine. Just be aware that if you split your pants at the gym or you split your pants at work, that's just a risk you have to fucking take. I just had flush bags.

Chrystal :

I went to a house party, probably like oh I don't know, mate, I was probably about 16. I was our version of twerking, split my pants front to back and didn't have undies on.

Rose Oates:

Again, if you're not going to want to wear underwear, that's totally fine, but they're the risks that you got to take. Baby, yeah, I cannot have sex with my boyfriend's dog in the room. I swear. She just looks at me and gives me daggers. She's jelly. Yeah, she doesn't like you, babe, I think just get the dog out of the room. Why is the? I don't think I would want to have sex with the dog in the room.

Chrystal :

Oh guys, sorry, I've had sex with all four of mine. Four on the bed. How, when you've got to get it done, you've just got to get it done. How is it? Even room with four dogs? You just make it work.

Rose Oates:

Oh no, oh no.

Chrystal :

It's weird when they lick your toes.

Rose Oates:

I would be immediately turned off, immediate turn off, if a dog licked my toe while I was banging my man.

Chrystal :

Oh, sorry, but it's happened. Hey, babe, is that you?

Rose Oates:

Oh no, that's the dog. Good thing she was just licking your toe. Hey, oh my God, oh my God. I gave our cat away. No judgment, but I just got a bit shocked. I gave our cat away and told everyone it ran away.

Chrystal :

At least you didn't dump it somewhere.

Rose Oates:

That's true, that is true, and you know what you needed to get that off your chest, but obviously you just felt like you couldn't. You know what Sometimes, as women, we've just got enough to do. We don't need the bloody cat as well.

Chrystal :

And I don't like changing litter boxes.

Rose Oates:

Oh my gosh. Okay, so I'm going to question whether I've ever climaxed like really have, and I think this is an episode that we're going to have separately, but it really upsets me and I'm too embarrassed to tell anybody else.

Chrystal :

You need to tell your partner.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, or whoever you're with, or you just need to do a bit of self-exploration, baby, if you don't. So I'm going to ask you a question whether you've climaxed. I'm calling it. You haven't.

Chrystal :

Yeah no, if you don't know what it's like, if you're saying you don't know, if you have, then you haven't Trust me you know you know, oh, my gosh, okay, my oh, this is.

Rose Oates:

I like this, but I also like I'm getting the giggles. My mother-in-law passed and I'm sad for my husband, but I'm relieved for me. I'm going to hell. Oh, what was your mother-in-law like? Well, she must have been a bit of a bish.

Chrystal :

Oh my God, you're going to hell.

Rose Oates:

It's all right. I'm glad that you've confessed to us and not to him.

Chrystal :

Oh that's mean, but I get ya. No, I don't actually get ya. I get where you're coming from, but I have a loving relationship with my mother-in-law, so I would be devastated. But I've heard stories.

Rose Oates:

Exactly you know what. Just because you're sad for your husband and you're giving him the support he needs, that's enough. You don't have to like everyone and maybe she was just so freaking, annoying and mean to you that her passing is just like one less thing and one less thing you have to worry about maybe, maybe, not going to hell. You're not going to hell, you're just normal. You might walk a few of the steps, you know. I mean, the big guy's just going to be like, look, that wasn't your best moment, but yeah, she was a bitch.

Chrystal :

I agree. So come on, eve, she's down, Come on down, come on down.

Rose Oates:

Okay, I slept with my neighbor when I was 35 weeks pregnant.

Chrystal :

But I have questions. Hold a minute. Were you single and 35 weeks pregnant, or were you in a relationship and 35 weeks pregnant?

Rose Oates:

I don't know, but I want to know more. If this was your confession, please get back to us. And I would have felt like I just don't know how you did it at 35 weeks, like.

Chrystal :

I felt like I was-.

Rose Oates:

No, but remember, there's these people that get the horny-ness when they're pregnant, I had a friend that was like give it to me every single day. Negative for me, I didn't mind it, but I wasn't like, yeah, give it to me every day.

Chrystal :

Daven thought he was going to poke the baby in the face.

Rose Oates:

Trace. What did he think was going on there?

Chrystal :

His imagination.

Rose Oates:

Bless. I know, I think education is key here. Oh, this is a nice one. It's not nice, but juicy, I found my friend's boyfriend on Tinder under a different name. Do I say something? Do I say something?

Chrystal :

I would. If it was me, I would. It depends on how good of a friend she is. Exactly and just be careful If I found Craig on Tinder, I'd be like you, dirty dog I would call him, but like, if you don't fucking tell Rose, I'm going to tell her.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, and I think actually the fact that you told him is probably a good idea, cause it's possible, like it has, someone just used his photo.

Chrystal :

That's right, that does happen.

Rose Oates:

Identity theft I think do a little bit more digging, Cause we all know us women, we can be quite good investigation like investigators, should I say. So maybe do a bit of investigating.

Chrystal :

I would go to the source.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, oh, it's hard one, but she knows and she's keeping it under wraps. So I've had some of these confessions for a while, so she still hasn't said anything.

Chrystal :

I would be mad at my friend if she knew that and she didn't tell me. Yeah, I know it's a cat, yeah, but it's what if you were wrong that's true you could break up a relationship.

Rose Oates:

You could break up your relationship. Anyway. Okay, what else? Oh, what have we got? I got a parcel. I got a parcel that full of skincare that wasn't hers and she kept it. She said it's the best. She said it's the best kids have ever looked. Oh, I would feel so bad. First and foremost, what's the skincare? I want to know.

Chrystal :

Would you keep it?

Rose Oates:


Chrystal :

Would you return to sender?

Rose Oates:

I would. Just if I knew the address and it was down the road, I'd just drop it off, but I don't know maybe she had a cheeky moment.

Chrystal :

Pretty funny, though I like it.

Rose Oates:

She just admitted it, so it's fine. Okay, I have lost the drive to be intimate with my husband, but I don't want to hurt his feelings.

Chrystal :

I feel like we've all gone through this.

Rose Oates:

Yes, I don't think you're going to hurt his feelings if you just talk to him about it.

Chrystal :

I feel like the more open and honest you are, the better.

Rose Oates:

Because you don't want to be having sex with him and not enjoying it or doing it for him. It's like stuff that You've still got to want to both do it.

Chrystal :

I think we open and say I'm having a bit of a crisis at the moment with the interstitiality.

Rose Oates:


Chrystal :

Interstitiality and be very open and honest with him and maybe Do some role play.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, just explore a little bit, because you've got to work out where the why the drive isn't there. Is it because you're not like happy in your relationship, or is it just because you're going through a moment in your life where you've lost the drive for that time?

Chrystal :

You might be going through menopause. You might be hating on yourself right now.

Rose Oates:

Yeah, you could have just had a baby. I don't know. There's so many reasons why we lose our sex drive.

Chrystal :

And I think you overworked.

Rose Oates:

Also, I don't know if this is a guy or a girl, like either or or no, husband. Well, you're still done off as a guy or girl, but it happens to guys as well, and it's just not so. Who talked about? Guys lose their drive occasionally and it's almost more embarrassing sometimes they find it more embarrassing to talk about. So let's have conversations about that. These are things we do want to deep dive into, but I just love that. Everyone's just confessing. I love that. Oh, I sent my boss, chris, a message for my husband, chris R rated, and I didn't know for a week.

Chrystal :

That's good. What did that message say?

Rose Oates:

I know, I was like oh damn, was it a dirty pick.

Chrystal :

That would have been pretty funny.

Rose Oates:

I love it. I love that.

Chrystal :

I accidentally sent a message to my boss that was meant for my co worker when I was in retail. My co worker asked for Christmas off.

Rose Oates:


Chrystal :

And in retail that's a no, no, you don't have Christmas off. So I wrote back to her saying the boss has been a bitch. You know I'd have Christmas off. Sorry, but I accidentally sent it to my boss and she rang me and she was like oh, my bitch, though it's policy. And I was like oh, my God. You're like do I still have a job? I was like, please don't buy me.

Rose Oates:

There you go, all right. Last but not least, I called our son the name my sister loved and had dibs on. I don't know.

Chrystal :

That's mean.

Rose Oates:

Is it?

Chrystal :

Yes, I know you were pregnant first, but if she had dibs on the name, how can you live with this? But if she's not, pregnant, I know, but still. But she might change your mind. What if you're that person that had that baby's name, since you were three years old and you're pushing your doll in your prime and you're like what if she's just still single and like not even got a partner yet? No, I feel like it's wrong, yeah, okay, would you?

Rose Oates:

here's the question Would you do it Would? You steal your sister's baby's name If she didn't already have friends say it's you really good friends and you really fell in love with it and you were pregnant first. Oh, that's hard.

Chrystal :

I feel like it was your sister. No, if it's your friend, maybe.

Rose Oates:

I don't have a sister, so, but is it first in best dressed? Oh I don't know. Could you really hate someone for that? Do you reckon there could be like serious repercussions to that?

Chrystal :

There could be All right, we know, some petty shit goes down, so let's put it here.

Rose Oates:

Would you call your baby a name that someone you loved, a friend or a family member, had dibs on because you had the opportunity to do it first?

Chrystal :

We need you guys to comment in the comment section.

Rose Oates:

Yes, so let us know, and please, next time that we have a poll, please comment your sins. They can be petty, they can be juicy, they can be. If they are juicy, though, give us more details. We will not judge you. It is all anonymous, but we very much enjoy it, and nothing is really taboo. That's what we're trying to achieve here.

Chrystal :

Yeah, like tell us everything, Like this, like you gave us Come face your sins to us. This is our confessions.

Rose Oates:

I mean, look, we wanna know if you've climaxed, we wanna know if you gave your cat away and we wanna know that you didn't like your mother-in-law and you're glad that she died. That's harsh, but it's fine. It's actually fine. We're just all human, aren't we? We didn't mention your name. We're not gonna mention your name, and you know you're listening and you're chuckling, it's fine.

Chrystal :

So guys, don't be scared to write in the confession box. We're not gonna out you, but this is an episode that you's are all gonna wanna hear.

Rose Oates:

And you know what it's gonna get off your chest and you're just gonna feel so much better for it, and you'll also get to see Rose dress like this. I'll find a better habit.

Chrystal :

I'm gonna buy you a nun hat.

Rose Oates:

I need a nun hat.

Chrystal :

I'm getting you one.

Rose Oates:

I'm clearly not, you know.

Chrystal :

I'm not a nun, but even do you confess your sins to a nun, I think it's a priest.

Rose Oates:

No, it's a priest. I've been to a confessional and I lied in the confession.

Chrystal :

Was this your first? No, it's not your first Holy Communion. It's your confirmation, yeah, your confirmation.

Rose Oates:

You go and do like you go in the confession box and you tell all your sins. But you know, like in the movies, you go into a confessional and it's like private and you can't see the priest. No, we would sit across from the priest. You have to sit in front of the priest and tell your sins. Like what have you done wrong? I was really bad to my mom and dad and then I made up lies, I made up stories so that I could tell the priest some shit to confess, because I didn't know what to confess.

Chrystal :

Oh my God, I think my daughter said I said the F word.

Rose Oates:

Oh man, it's a lot of pressure, but this is so much nicer when it's genuinely anonymous. You can just sit there and be like, oh, that feels so much better, Like we want to know. We just love the goss.

Chrystal :

So that was an episode of Dears and my confessions. Oh, that was so off.

Rose Oates:

We didn't know what we're doing.

Chrystal :

Nah, it's all right. All right, guys. We can't wait to do this again with you, and we'll see you again soon. Bye, bitches, bye.

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